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This also illustrates a problem with depending on urpmi for anything from 
outside the Mandrake distro.  If you use urpmi it will crap out and not be 
able to handle it if you try to install a non-native rpm.  In such a case, 
you may have to rely on plain old "rpm -Uvh --nodeps <your desired rpm>" (or 
you can use -ivh).  Perhaps better still, when possible, is to use rpm 
- --rebuild on a source rpm.  This often results in failures because the 
Makefile/software creator expects/expected a different lib naming convention 
than that of Mandrake.  You may have to do a bunch of symlinks or hope there 
is a static-build of your desired rpm.
  Often you will actually have the libs an rpm is complaining about not 
finding, but it is merely that Mandrake has a different naming convention 
than what the binary expects.  This would be one area in particular that 
linux should standardize on - a single naming convention for different libs, 
etc, so that no matter what, a software package will always look for the same 
thing regardless of distro (it is annoying when an rpm complains about not 
finding tiff-devel when you HAVE it installed, but it is called libtiff-devel 
on your system).


On Sunday 15 June 2003 03:13 pm, Adrian Golumbovici wrote:
> Actually I think he has got a point and everybody misunderstood him. IMHO
> he wasn't bashing Mandrake, but merely stating a Linux general problem. 
> The libraries and dependencies thing is linux is really a big PITA. Each
> time I want to install something which is not in my standard distro I have
> to go through the pains of hell for searching for dependencies. As far as
> urpmi is concerned it does a great job, but since it cannot resolve
> dependencies outside the mdk distro, it doesn't help much. I hate Winblows
> and still dream of the day when I could totally switch to linux, but linux
> is not making things very easy for us who want to switch to it. In winblows
> I don't have to give a rats ass about dependencies. Most programs come with
> the needed library statically binded or depends on libraries which are
> already in the distros of about 5 major types of winblows on the use at
> this time. Let me try to depict the Linux problem in clear:
> 1. Linux exists in a huge load of distro's and no real standard here. LSB
> or not, you will have real pains in trying to install even between 2
> distro's which should represent same branch of development on the major
> packages/apps.
> 2. Except few things there are still enough of the major libs which are not
> backwards compatible. Frequent install scenarios involve installing a newer
> lib as you need them for a new app and the lib changes some of the main
> links in your distro and breaks up a lot of other apps who stupidly refuse
> to run with updated libs.
> 3. BTW... Rethoric question: Who was the %&$&/ who hardcoded apps to not
> even try to run if the lib version mismatch?!? Ffs. Even if I got a 15%
> chance to succesfully run the app, let me do it. Warn me and let me decide
> if I want to experience a crash or kernel panic... :/
> 4. With linux all the apps which are beyond the basic console editing (or
> at least most of them) is a hit and miss thing to install....
> Oh well... My rant could continue, but I am tired and have to take a
> shower. Anyway, don't get me wrong. I am not bashing linux, I am just
> stating my frustration with linux. I've been working with it for the last 2
> years on a constant base and at home I use it as firewall and application
> server, but for my desktop no go. When it's not a missing driver problem,
> there is a mismatching library, missing kernel patch, a dumb app who
> refuses even to try to start with new library, hours of search on the net
> to try and figure a long chain of dependencies... Thank God I am stubborn
> and don't give up easily. I curse linux every day, but don't want to give
> up. Still it would be nice if I could use more time with my needed apps
> instead of most of my free time to try to get them work...
> Best regards,
> Adrian
> P.S. I am a Mandrake Linux Club member and proud of it. :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rolf Pedersen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 7:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [expert] Ongoing libraries saga (e.g. qtopia, nagios, probably
> everything non-MDK)
> > stefmit wrote:
> > > On Sunday 15 June 2003 10:14 am, Rolf Pedersen wrote:
> > >>stefmit wrote:
> > >>>I am making one last attempt with the great hope that someone,
> somewhere
> > >>>has figured this libraries issue out. Almost any program coming with
> > >>>libraries slightly different version than MDK ones fails to install,
> > >>>regardless of what I attempt to do. Last example is qtopia's RPM,
> > >>> which
> I
> > >>>NEED like air, for my Zaurus, but which install (unlike 9.0) breaks
> > >>> now in MDK9.1, with the following message:
> > >>>
> > >>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] utilities]# urpmi qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> > >>>installing qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1.i386.rpm
> > >>>
> > >>>Installation failed:
> > >>>        libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3 is needed by qtopia-desktop-1.6.1-1
> > >>
> > >>For this one:
> > >>
> > >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmf libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3
> >>
> >>dockingstation:/usr/games/dockingstation/games/dockingstation/libstdc++-l
> >>i
> b
> > >>c6.1-2.so.3
> > >>dockingstation:/usr/games/dockingstation/libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3
> > >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] rolf]$ urpmq --sources dockingstation
> > >>/dockingstation-195.64-1.i386.rpm
> > >>
> > >>When I get this sort of output, it means the package is on a Club
> > >> source and I have to be root to see the full url, which includes a
> > >> password. If you are not a Club member, you could try searching on
> > >> dockingstation or the library at rpmfind.net.
> > >>
> > >>Rolf
> > >>[..]
> > >
> > > Thank you for your suggestion. I know this may solve one spcific
> problem, but
> > > I not only mentioned a couple of programs, but rather was very much
> > > interested in resolving library issues in general. If the only solution
> would
> > > be to install every time another program (or others) which MAY be
> bundled
> > > with the missing library(ies) for the ones I need, then it sounds very
> ...
> > > Microsoft-like (install IE to be able to run dir ... ;)). There has to
> be a
> > > better way ... I hope ...
> > >
> > > Stef
> >
> > So far as I can see, qtopia-desktop is not provided by Mandrake.  If
> > that is the case, it would be fortuitous that a Mandrake (Club) package
> > would provide the library you needed for it.  Urpmi can only know about
> > what has been configured as its sources.  It works well for what
> > Mandrake provides and what you can add to it.  Mandrake cannot  be
> > expected to anticipate the requirements of every possible third-party
> > program.
> >
> > The only other issue you cited, AFAICT, is that Mandrake's package of
> > nagios puts files in more than one directory:
> >
> > # rpm -qpl /backup/contrib/nagios-1.0b6-1mdk.i586.rpm
> > /etc/nagios
> > /etc/nagios/cgi.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/checkcommands.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/contactgroups.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/contacts.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/dependencies.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/escalations.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/hostgroups.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/hosts.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/misccommands.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/resource.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/services.cfg
> > /etc/nagios/timeperiods.cfg
> > /etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios
> > /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
> > /usr/sbin/nagios
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/Changelog
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/INSTALLING
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/LEGAL
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/README
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/UPGRADING
> > /usr/share/doc/nagios-1.0b6/htaccess.sample
> > /var/log/nagios
> > /var/log/nagios/archives
> >
> > I am not sure what you are comparing to but this list does not seem
> > inconsistent with the typical Mandrake package, which should strive to
> > comply with LSB, which invokes FHS2.2:
> >
> > http://www.pathname.com/fhs/2.2/
> >
> > Different entities have different interpretations/levels of interest in
> > complying with LSB, so you will have to deal with these inconsistencies.
> >   Furthermore, contrib/ are considered unsupported, so, with all the
> > other concerns Mandrake has, I doubt that complaints about contrib/
> > packages will receive a high priority.  There is no comparison to
> > Windows.  Linux is not Windows.  What works in Windows is, usually,
> > irrelevant.  You should put some effort into learning how Mandrake works
> > before you try to re-invent the wheel, IMO.
> >
> > Rolf
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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