Somebody scribbled about Re: [expert] CDRW

>For CDRW I've got an ASUS (Yes ASUS) CDRW that rarely burns coasters
>despite my best efforts to teach it how.  ($40) One thing I have

I have taken Lyvim's comments seriously and also am looking for something 
not too terribly expensive (say lesss than $100). I'm probably not going 
to be able to get a combo for that $, though.

up at the top of the list on is an iomega usb model for $75. I'm 
going to do more research on the toshiba suggestion and on some other 
possibilities. BTW, asus is rated 2 sheeps on a couple of items at that 
clone cd url which lyvim mentioned.


David E. Fox                              Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                            change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               on your hard disk.

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