On Sunday 09 November 2003 02:20 am, James Sparenberg wrote:
> Am I alone in noticing the insanity.  As if SCO wasn't bad enough.
> Lycoris deciding that it can rewrite the GPL.  Now the  CEO of RedHat
> (or as I've heard of late DeadRat) is advocating that Home users stick
> with Windows as Linux isn't ready for the desktop.  Maybe I should send
> the SOB a copy of 9.2 when it's ready to show him what RH could have
> been if they didn't suffer from NIH (Not Invented Here) syndrome.
> http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/linuxunix/0,39020390,39117575,00.htm
> James

Nah - you're not alone. I posted a message with a link to an announcement 
about this. The subject went something like "Redhat = traitors?"... <grin>


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