--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wayback71" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> >
> > When I was on Purusha at MIU back in the early 80's, I went to 
> > apartment a few times to help serve at his dinner parties. He and 
his guests
> > ate very rich foods, which is why I went, because I got to gnosh 
some back
> > in the kitchen. I've heard that he eats that way routinely. He 
has always
> > had a well stocked larder.
> > 

>  I have heard that Bevan is also the recipient of many "care 
packages" from friends (mostly 
> women) who like to bake brownies and cookies for him, put them in 
tins and boxes, and mail 
> them off to wherever he may be.  Bevan was extremely atrractive 
back in the 70's - nicely 
> built, dark eyes and hair, and very warm and engaging.  Smart and 
kind, with a good sense of 
> humor.


People express unhappiness with their lives in many ways, mostly not 
as obvious as Bevan's stress reaction of overeating. No happy person 
pounds food in their face, but that does not mean that Bevan is the 
only unhappy bureaucrat in TMville.

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