
When you dismiss Angela's mind, your reputation just slips another
notch -- if that's possible -- in the estimations of most here.  Her
posts are dizzy deep, awe-thentic, and openly the works of a lover of
words, wisps, and wonders. With her level of expertise, no one here is
going to be able to corral her with jibes as goofmucky and simplistic,
as your one d, kiddie-lect can muster.

Not that she can't be wrong, not that you couldn't be the first here
to see such, but it is certain that everyone here knows that the likes
of you are not going to know what's behind the high walls she's scaled
-- those are precincts you might never grok, but are doomed, it seems,
to shoot the equivalent of paint balls at -- no real impact but
there's you being smug about each laughable lashing-out -- an
Off-put(ing) mess of garish coloring -- your bottom line troll profit.
 I see you as some hulking Bubba bragging about a splotch that merely
a gentle rain can remove.

Angela, the chink scanners are chutzpa chumps.  It takes a while and
much too much attention-given to see them for what they are.  You're a
tough hombre, so, no need for me at your six, but I like jumping on
Off cuz he's so easily squished -- like one ear on a Mickey Mouse
balloon -- and then he looks so funny when his other parts
correspondingly expand.

Off, start breathing helium and float will ya?  It'd be nice to see
Mickey One Big Ear floating around above us, and your rodent thoughts
would then be all the more comical.


--- In, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> --- In, Angela Mailander 
> <mailander111@> wrote:
> >
> > Again, you are missing my point.  As I said, I have drawn some 
> comparisons.  I have drawn no conclusions, and I have called no one 
> either good or evil.  >>
> Angela, welcome to the board. 
> You comparison is very dumb however. Every child and halfwit has, in 
> the past, made this comparison in their head as a musing, and quickly 
> realised it does not have legs. You think it is an interesting 
> comparison. I am afraid it is not. It is weak, ill-thought-out, 
> poorly concieved, and ultimately redundant, therefore it is a tedious 
> waste of space, and that is what people are objecting to.
> OffWorld
> > 
> > feste37 <feste37@> wrote:                               Thanks 
> for confirming  my point. I ask you a blunt question that draws
> >  out the implications of what you are saying, and you are at a loss 
> as
> >  to how to respond. Precisely. 
> >  
> >  --- In, Angela Mailander
> >  <mailander111@> wrote:
> >  >
> >  > Your first question misses my point so completely, I'm at a loss 
> as
> >  to how to respond.  And no, it's not hard to live in this town.  I
> >  chose it and love it here. a
> >  > 
> >  > feste37 <feste37@> wrote:                               How many
> >  Jews has Maharishi murdered? How many death camps has he set up? 
> >  >  
> >  >  It must be hard for you living in this town, surrounded by a 
> movement
> >  >  that resembles the Nazis so closely. 
> >  >  
> >  >  It seems to me that your mind is so distorted, heaven knows by 
> what,
> >  >  that you cannot make clear distinctions between things. 
> >  >  
> >  >  But welcome to this board. You truly belong here. 
> >  >  
> >  >  --- In, Angela Mailander
> >  >  <mailander111@> wrote:
> >  >  >
> >  >  > I have no idea what you mean when you say, "And are these 
> same ideas
> >  >  being cloned onto splinter satsang groups?" As for your other
> >  >  question, "Are there significant parallels between the Third 
> Reich and
> >  >  Mahesh's spiritual movement, I'd say definitely there are.  
> Name any
> >  >  article of faith you find repeated in this town, name any of 
> the often
> >  >  repeated quotes of things Mahesh is supposed to have said, and 
> it was
> >  >  repeated and believed in Nazi Germany.  They didn't call it
> >  >  enlightenment, but they were all striving to be the 
> Ubermensch.  It
> >  >  meant basically the same thing.  Devotion to the Guru was 
> important,
> >  >  and the Guru, for the SS, was Hitler.  They thought of 
> themselves as
> >  >  pure warriors monks.  They could get married, of course, but 
> they had
> >  >  to have permission from on high, and the girl had to pass 
> muster. 
> >  >  Purity of the nervous system was purity of the blood. They 
> believed in
> >  >  karma, and in performing action established in Being.  They 
> believed
> >  >  in detachment and they believed
> >  >  >  in higher states of consciousness.  They had nine of them.  
> Gotta
> >  >  run. a
> >  >  > 
> >  >  > Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:                               
> >  >  > 
> >  >  > On Oct 14, 2007, at 6:06 PM, Angela Mailander wrote:
> >  >  > 
> >  >  > Yes, I totally agree.  Hitler was used by those who still 
> want to
> >  >  establish the New World Order.  In fact, he was told in those 
> exact
> >  >  terms, New World Order, that he would be "instrumental" in
> >  >  establishing  it.  He wasn't told that he'd only be a  step 
> along the
> >  >  way, though.  He believed he was to be the big enchilada---the
> >  >  thousand-year Reich was to be sat-yuga.  The antisemitism was 
> not real
> >  >  in the same sense that the terrorists we're all afraid of today 
> are
> >  >  not real. Hitler needed a single enemy to focus the people's 
> attention
> >  >  on.  There is even some evidence that Jews supplied him with the
> >  >  notion that they could be that single enemy.  It's not 
> conclusive
> >  >  evidence, but certainly the Warburgs were involved in it, in 
> spite of
> >  >  the fact that Paul Warburg lost two close relatives in the death
> >  >  camps.  a 
> >  >  > 
> >  >  > 
> >  >  > 
> >  >  > Are there really significant parallels between the Third 
> Reich and
> >  >  Mahesh "yogis" spiritual movement though? And are these same 
> ideas
> >  >  being cloned onto splinter satsang groups?
> >  >  > 
> >  >  > 
> >  >  > Rick posted a very interesting link to a video which 
> purported to be
> >  >  by an ex-KGB agent which claimed groups like the KGB were 
> observing
> >  >  the TMO for ideas in undermining nations.
> >  >  > 
> >  >  >      
> >  >  >                                
> >  >  > 
> >  >  >  Send instant messages to your online friends
> >  >
> >  >  >
> >  >  
> >  >  
> >  >      
> >  >                                
> >  > 
> >  >  Send instant messages to your online friends
> >
> >  >
> >  
> >  
> >      
> >                                
> > 
> >  Send instant messages to your online friends 
> >

    • ... Angela Mailander
      • ... off_world_beings
  • ... Vaj
    • ... off_world_beings
    • ... Angela Mailander
  • ... feste37
    • ... Angela Mailander
      • ... feste37
      • ... Angela Mailander
      • ... off_world_beings
      • ... Duveyoung
      • ... off_world_beings
      • ... Bronte Baxter
      • ... Angela Mailander
      • ... do.rflex
      • ... authfriend
      • ... do.rflex
      • ... authfriend
      • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
      • ... feste37
      • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?

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