Again, you are missing my point.  As I said, I have drawn some comparisons.  I 
have drawn no conclusions, and I have called no one either good or evil.  a

feste37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               Thanks for 
confirming  my point. I ask you a blunt question that draws
 out the implications of what you are saying, and you are at a loss as
 to how to respond. Precisely. 
 --- In, Angela Mailander
 > Your first question misses my point so completely, I'm at a loss as
 to how to respond.  And no, it's not hard to live in this town.  I
 chose it and love it here. a
 > feste37 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               How many
 Jews has Maharishi murdered? How many death camps has he set up? 
 >  It must be hard for you living in this town, surrounded by a movement
 >  that resembles the Nazis so closely. 
 >  It seems to me that your mind is so distorted, heaven knows by what,
 >  that you cannot make clear distinctions between things. 
 >  But welcome to this board. You truly belong here. 
 >  --- In, Angela Mailander
 >  <mailander111@> wrote:
 >  >
 >  > I have no idea what you mean when you say, "And are these same ideas
 >  being cloned onto splinter satsang groups?" As for your other
 >  question, "Are there significant parallels between the Third Reich and
 >  Mahesh's spiritual movement, I'd say definitely there are.  Name any
 >  article of faith you find repeated in this town, name any of the often
 >  repeated quotes of things Mahesh is supposed to have said, and it was
 >  repeated and believed in Nazi Germany.  They didn't call it
 >  enlightenment, but they were all striving to be the Ubermensch.  It
 >  meant basically the same thing.  Devotion to the Guru was important,
 >  and the Guru, for the SS, was Hitler.  They thought of themselves as
 >  pure warriors monks.  They could get married, of course, but they had
 >  to have permission from on high, and the girl had to pass muster. 
 >  Purity of the nervous system was purity of the blood. They believed in
 >  karma, and in performing action established in Being.  They believed
 >  in detachment and they believed
 >  >  in higher states of consciousness.  They had nine of them.  Gotta
 >  run. a
 >  > 
 >  > Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:                               
 >  > 
 >  > On Oct 14, 2007, at 6:06 PM, Angela Mailander wrote:
 >  > 
 >  > Yes, I totally agree.  Hitler was used by those who still want to
 >  establish the New World Order.  In fact, he was told in those exact
 >  terms, New World Order, that he would be "instrumental" in
 >  establishing  it.  He wasn't told that he'd only be a  step along the
 >  way, though.  He believed he was to be the big enchilada---the
 >  thousand-year Reich was to be sat-yuga.  The antisemitism was not real
 >  in the same sense that the terrorists we're all afraid of today are
 >  not real. Hitler needed a single enemy to focus the people's attention
 >  on.  There is even some evidence that Jews supplied him with the
 >  notion that they could be that single enemy.  It's not conclusive
 >  evidence, but certainly the Warburgs were involved in it, in spite of
 >  the fact that Paul Warburg lost two close relatives in the death
 >  camps.  a 
 >  > 
 >  > 
 >  > 
 >  > Are there really significant parallels between the Third Reich and
 >  Mahesh "yogis" spiritual movement though? And are these same ideas
 >  being cloned onto splinter satsang groups?
 >  > 
 >  > 
 >  > Rick posted a very interesting link to a video which purported to be
 >  by an ex-KGB agent which claimed groups like the KGB were observing
 >  the TMO for ideas in undermining nations.
 >  > 
 >  >      
 >  >                                
 >  > 
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