--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "mainstream20016"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:


> > Having now read most of your posts in this thread, I get the
impression that this current effort to establish a 'secular' TMO is
mainly an idea 'you' have concocted and are promoting and that it
didn't come from Maharishi.

>  Maharishi intends to make TM available to all persons. He made
tremendous progress when TM was taught as a secular technique. The
overtly-religious Sidhi program then became the focus of the TM
movement, followed by numberous overtly-religious programs of the TMO.
 As such, Maharishi's intention to make TM available to all persons
will not be achieved.

You didn't answer my charge that this proposal of yours "didn't come
from Maharishi." 

> > I also get the impression that you wouldn't hesitate to proceed to
> > accomplish a 'secular' organization without his direct approval. 

> from #151346: ..." It would be wise for the TMO to license a
separate organization to teach TM in the manner taught prior to the
Siddhis program, an organization that values the secular aspects of TM."

Yes. Those are *your* words; *your* proposal. And, you're admitting
that there *are* religious aspects to TM - and apparently you are
willing to conceal them to promote TM. 

I don't see that Maharishi is implementing *your* proposal to create a
separate 'secular' organization to wholesale teach TM without the Puja
in front of the student and wholesale teaching without requiring the
initiate to bring the fruit, flowers and handkerchief. Are you going
to proceed to do this on your own?

> The establishment of a firmly secular organization to teach TM
widely has many advantages for the current TMO, the main one being
that TM will again have a chance to be learned by all.

Hope springs eternal.

> > In my eyes it's bad enough that the key substance of the
initiation, the Puja, its importance and its implications, is being
relegated to darkness, and that the would-be meditaters are totally
excluded from it. In my view, your proposition is not only dangerously
contra to maintaining the purity of the teaching, but flat out dishonest.

> Current TM instruction does not require the student to observe the

I'd like to see corroboration of that claim *and* an elaboration on
your claim that the fruit, flowers and handkerchief can be wholesale
supplied by the teacher.

I can accept that in some isolated, rare circumstances that this could
be applicable - but *not* as a wholesale policy. In any case, it
appears to me that this is *your* idea, not Maharishi's.

Here's a quote from you which confirms to me that this is *your* idea,
not Maharishi's: 

"The idea I submitted of puja performance out of sight was a
suggestion- I don't know the specifics of current instruction in schools."

 - and it also makes me question your claim that:

"Current TM instruction does not require the student to observe the puja."

> > I also find it appalling that a TM teacher would resort to having
to hide truths about TM from the general public.

> A religion has been constructed around TM, and is keeping TM from
being widely accepted. In essence, the process of shrouding TM with
religiousity relegates TM to obscurity, the greatest offense.

According to whom?

AND - That didn't answer my charge about truths about Transcendental
Meditation being hidden from the public. TM clearly *is* religious.

Your proposal reminds me of the Christian fundamentalists who want
'creationism' taught in the public school system as they attempt to
claim that 'creationism' is 'secular.' That strikes me as perhaps
well-intentioned on their part but just as dishonest as what you're

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