biosoundbill wrote:
> After all is said and done, I can't complain about 
> the way I was taught to meditate in TM, or even about 
> the mantra I got, meaningless or otherwise. 
But I didn't say that your mantra was "meaningless".
According to several informants here, you got the nick
name of a Hindu demi-God to repeat in your meditation.
The two Barry's seem to agree with this and so does Vaj
the Nath. Mr. Manning even taught this when he was a TM
teacher. But apparently Judy doesn't agree with this. 

> It works for me, and even though the organization that 
> propagates TM has become ultra commercial, the technique 
> still holds good. 
> So I won't distrust the method or the mantra I got. 
> It came at the right time in my life, saved my life, 
> and continues to work in my life. What more can I say, 
> except I don't want an advanced technique, the basic one 
> is working fine!
You don't get any more mantras in the advanced technique,
according to Judy. You get only one mantra in TM - the 
other add-on phrases are just plain Sanskrit words like, 
Sri, Namah, etc.

The question is, where do the TM bija mantras come from?
>From Swami Brahmanand Saraswati? From a book? Did the
Marshy just make up some non-sense gibberish and then
call them bijas? If he got them from his teacher, the 
question becomes, where did the Marshy's teacher get 
the bija mantras? Was Brahmmanand a tantric?

What, exactly, is a bija mantra anyway?

Do bija mantras always have to be recieved in one-on-one
initiation from a genuine tantric guru? Are bija mantras
effective if you find them in a book? 

Why all the secrecy about bija mantras?

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