I really hope that what you are saying is true.I'm not questioning 
your sincerity. I just don't trust the TMO!

Something is going on,I have no doubt as I'm having brilliant 
meditations lately,transcending on a very regular basis.

Thanks Bob,



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "biosoundbill" <smithybill@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Okay Bob,if that's the case why not one mantra for everyone?
> > 
> > And don't give me the answer that a proper thought needs to be 
> > selected for each individual as per Science of Being and art of 
> > living from p50 on.....
> > 
> > As a technique,TM works briliantly for me,but I think the mantra 
> > coverup was a joke,and now the TMO is a bigger joke!
> > 
> > Why not just come out and tell people, look your mantra is for 
> > energy,will produce this result,and is the sacred sound of a 
> > in  Hinduism.
> > 
> > Drop the price,the World Government,and all the bullshit,and be 
> > transparent.
> > 
> > Namaste,
> > 
> > Billy
> > 
> ************
> The fact that TM mantras are meaningless sounds in the practice of 
> does not mean that different mantras cannot be assigned depending 
> age and gender (the only two factors which are used in assigning 
> initial TM mantras). 
> Since people of different ages are obviously different, and gender 
> also an obvious source of personality difference, it's not 
> to see that different mantras are appropriate for different 
> MMY has always said, we teach knowledge of the infinite, not 
> knowledge. The TMO, if it wanted to be in the job of teaching 
> infinite knowledge, could certainly get into a long and involved 
> discussion of mantras, but that is not what an ignorant world 
> People need access to infinite awareness, and for that, all they 
> to know is the meaningless sound assigned to them during TM 
> initiation, and how to use that sound. There is no coverup 
> at all here. The cable guy who comes to your house to hook you up 
> could talk about all sorts of technical details to his non-tech 
> client, which would only be baffling and annoying to the client, 
> the installer could use his brain, exercise common sense, and just 
> the hook-up and let the client enjoy.
> You don't realize that the price increase and other measures are 
> intended to slow down the growth of the movement. Sounds 
> but it's a policy that MMY announced a long time ago:
> http://geocities.com/bbrigante/retards.html#light
> But now, it does not matter what happens on the level of 
> learning TM. MMY is having pundits bring the influence of the gods 
> onto earth, an influence much more powerful than that of a few 
> doing TM. Also under the name of "Towers of Invincibility" 
> Shivalingams are also being constructed around the world, which 
> bring the auspicious Shiva influence on earth. 
> It's frustrating to see the progress by fits and starts of the 
> but it was only necessary for MMY to light a few candles in the 
> preparing the way for a restoration of Vedic culture in India:
> In his press conference of 13Apr2005 at mou.org, Maharishi said 
> that "As Indian national consciousness rises in coherence -- which 
> the basis of invincibility for the nation then world consciousness 
> will rise in coherence which is the basis of permanent world 
> peace...One sun rises, but its innumerable rays spread light 
> everywhere...So it's natural for the influence of coherence to 
> from India to the whole world." In the mou.org Press Conference 26 
> June 2002, Maharishi said: "India is the only country which can 
> assume a parental role for every country of the world with this 
> knowledge of the Veda, with this total knowledge of Natural Law, 
> Will of God. And everything is possible under the protective 
> of the Will of God, invincible God." 
> Bob Brigante
> http://geocities.com/bbrigante
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <no_reply@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "biosoundbill" 
> <smithybill@> 
> > > wrote:
> > >  You will find a 
> > > > few of the 'meaningless sounds' used by TM 
> > > 
> > > *************
> > > 
> > > The meaningless sounds used in TM are indeed meaningless 
> > because 
> > > that is the proper use of the mantra in TM. If a thought of 
> > meaning 
> > > about the mantra or any other thought comes up, we just 
> go 
> > back 
> > > to the mantra. 
> > > 
> > > Whether somebody assigns meanings to the TM mantras outside of 
> the 
> > > practice of TM has no effect on the proper practice of TM, 
> > is to 
> > > always just go with the sound value of the mantra, and be 
> > to 
> > > meaning or any other thought.
> > >
> >

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