--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> T3rinity, what you've written (below) is way over my 
> present mental acuity to grok but I do agree with you 
> that Curtis is not the rational atheist Edg is railing 
> against. Basically, I don't get what Edg's problem is...

Edg isn't railing against atheism; he's just
panicky because he thinks that folks here on
FFL have figured him out and now automatically 
consign his posts to the same trash bin they 
put Willytex's posts in. And he's right. 

And instead of looking into the "why" of that,
he's taking the Willytex path and trying to 
insult people into giving him the attention 
he's so desperate for. 

Doesn't work for Willytex, and it won't work
for Edg. Actually, most people probably read
more lines of Willy's posts before hitting NEXT
than they do Edg's because Willy's not as 
pretentious a writer.

As I've suggested before, try to have some 
compassion for Edg. He's melting down, and
for some reason has chosen Fairfield Life as
the place where he wants to do it.

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