--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, t3rinity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > And "its" as a possessive never, EVER has an
> > apostrophe.
> Judy, don't come down too hard down on her. This would be a typical
> German thing to do. In German, possessives are written with
> apostrophes. The problem in Germany right now is, that the English
> usage has mixed through popular culture so much that both versions 
> are officially accepted now.

That's what illiterates would have you believe. :-)

It's not true, no matter what you might have heard. 
The misuse of 'its' and 'it's' is one of the easiest 
ways to tell whether a writer of English cares enough 
about the readers of his or her writing to use it 
properly. I would venture to say that there is no 
book of English grammar out there that presents 
this misuse as "acceptable."

English is a *bitch* to learn. It often seems to
have more exceptions than it does rules, and many
of the rules don't seem to make sense. While what
you say about "accepted usage" is true about some
things (like the use of "try and do something..."
instead of the proper "try to do something..."), 
I for one hope that Americans never get so dumbed 
down as to forget how to properly use 'its'
and 'it's' properly. 

The bottom line of language misuse, in my opinion,
is what we've seen here recently. Someone makes 
a mistake, one that they've been making for a 
long time, someone else corrects it, and the first
person, rather than wising up and *learning a little
something*, claims that they misspelled the word or
used the improper grammar on purpose "for effect."

I'm with Judy on this one -- railing about the 
quality of US education while demonstrating an
appalling disregard for the language that educa-
tion is based on just rings false and conveys a
sense of laziness. It's like saying, "Yeah...its sad 
that there all so dumm...not like me," and expecting 
people to take you seriously.

  • ... Robert Gimbel
    • ... Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. Who'd've Thunk It?
      • ... bob_brigante
      • ... bob_brigante
      • ... Duveyoung
        • ... Angela Mailander
          • ... authfriend
          • ... Angela Mailander
          • ... authfriend
          • ... t3rinity
          • ... TurquoiseB
          • ... TurquoiseB
          • ... t3rinity
          • ... TurquoiseB
          • ... t3rinity
          • ... authfriend
          • ... hugheshugo
          • ... authfriend
          • ... hugheshugo
          • ... Bhairitu
          • ... cardemaister

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