Rick, us peons detected horniness.  The women picked up these
really powerful vibes from male initiators.  Men felt almost engulfed
by the longings of female initiators.  And of course women felt
vvveeerrrryyyy strange in the presence of certain woman initiators and
guys felt vvveeerrrryyyy strange in the presence of some male initiators.

I was blown away, relishing the obvious and non-obvious charms of a
female initiator who told me about THE CULT OF MALE HOMOSEXUALITY AT
MIU.  Man, I thought she was going to kick over the table we sat
opposite to each other at, me drinking coffee and having a piece of
pie, her thankful that I saved a bag of mint tea from that ?tofu?
lunch and wanting to wolf down that pie in front of me, plate and all.
I said to myself "why, me, Lord?".

Then came the post 6 months course mating frenzy.  I had a lady
governor rip me another one when she announced that I had taken
too long to propose to her and that she had to settle for HIM instead.
OK, I might have flirted.  I wasn't a bad looking guy, she was not a
displeasing to the eye lady.  But a couple of flirts is not the same
as buying an option on an engagement ring.  Perhaps y'all remember
that us guys were back home developing our professions and were at the
highest jerk (first derivative of acceleration) of our careers while
y'all were somewhere in the Alps.  There was a mad race for male
sidhas (if you're not, we can fix that) by lady governors because they
were prospering and there was an imperative at the time to marry and
manufacture bodies for nearly enlightened souls to inhabit.  The
thought Fourth Reich comes to mind.

OTOH, we had some really tense times ourselves on residences courses
at the Holiday Inn.  Yes, I liked to talk to the mother of one of my
good friends and yes, she was nicely put together.  But should we be
talking in her room not wanting to put a name on the tension in the
air?  Of course it got even stranger.  Not only were many private
liaisons in those cabins at Cobb on my flying block, there was a group
of cabins right up front which housed married couples.  They observed
a proper cocktail hour before time for the flying room. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> On Behalf Of curtisdeltablues
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:26 PM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMers Pledge
> Yes, I agree. I'm sure I came off as a complete ass to many people
> too polite to call me on my bullshit when I was teaching TM. Makes me
> cringe just thinking about it!
> I can relate. I was stark raving loony at times, and speaking in public!

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