"Richard J. Williams" wrote:
> That some bowed down and recited an oath and some 
> signed a pledge, collected money for instruction,
> and then, after thirty years, went on the internet
> to spread rumors about their guru's private sex
> life, and denied their own complicity, and bashed 
> the Marshy when he got to be over ninety years old
> and they felt they didn't need him anymore?


And what of Mararishi's oath to us?  You know, that promise all of us
thought was made by him to be pure, honest, whole, wise, loving,
expansive, simple, scientific, scholarly, traditional, ancient, and

He broke his promises, all of them to some degree, to us long, long,
decades ago, when money became the TMO's bottom line.

I vote that we all write letters to Maharishi to make Richard an
honorary party hat guy.  Oh, wait, it seems Richard already thoroughly
thinks that that has already happened.  Richard, does ya wear the
crown proudly in yer jammys? 


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