That's why I trust it implicitly.

----- Original Message ----
From: authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 9:02:59 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's secret!


            --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED] .> wrote:


> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:

> >

> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "ruthsimplicity" 

> > <ruthsimplicity@ > wrote:

> > >

> > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "lurkernomore200020 00"

> > > <steve.sundur@ > wrote:

> > > >

> > [I wrote:]

> > > > > I wish Lawson were still here.

> > > > >

> > [Rick wrote:]

> > > > > Invite him back. 50 per week, though.

> > > > 

> > > > What I wonder is whether Lawson directed his incessant

> > > > posting to another venue or just stopped cold turkey.

> > > > I can't say that I have been missing him.

> > > 

> > > I don't know if I dare to ask, but how long have all y'all been

> > > talking with each other?  Is there much repetition?

> > 

> > "Y'all" who, the participants on the forum in general?

> > 

> > FFL was started in 2001, either shortly before or shortly

> > after 9/11. But people join and then drop out all the

> > time, so the population isn't constant. (I started

> > posting here in May 2005, as did a few others who had

> > been regulars on alt.m.t, including Lawson, who dropped

> > out this past summer because he felt unappreciated. )


> Uh, not quite the whole story.

Yeah, it's the whole story in terms of the

question that was asked.

But let's look at Barry's imaginative

embellishments to the story *he* wants

to tell:

Lawson was in

> the habit (which he claimed was due to a

> disorder) of posting impulsively and often,

> literally hundreds of posts per week.

Not. Average of 104 per week in 2006; and

of 83 per week in 2007 (January-March) .

So, to

> a slightly lesser degree, did Judy and (to 

> an even greater degree) did Shemp.

My 2006 average was just under 100 per week;

Shemp's was 63 per week.

Barry's version of just about anything is

never to be trusted.


> community reacted to being "drowned out" by

> these compulsive posters and created the 35-

> post-per-week maximum.

Nobody, of course, was "drowned out." That 

some people post more obviously does not mean

other people have to post less.

> Both Shemp and Judy paid lip service to this

> maximum, while often going over the limit.

By no more than one or two posts, for me, on

the grounds that the number 35 was purely

arbitrary--the idea being to reduce the 

*volume* of posts, not to strictly adhere to

a particular number. I was observing the spirit

of the limit, in other words, and coming damn

close to the "law."

One part of his story Barry doesn't tell you

is that he was fanatically obsessed by how many

posts I (and to a lesser extent certain others)

made per week, posting elaborate tallies and

several times per week writing long, absurd

rants about how going over by one or two per week

showed gross disrespect for the community,

lack of self-control, self-importance, etc., etc.,


His current post is just an extension of that


> (Until recently for Judy, when Rick finally

> put some "teeth" into what happens if you go

> over the limit.)

Actually he increased the limit, to 50 per week.

> Lawson never even *tried* to control or limit

> his posting. He just split before the first

> week of posting limits went into effect. He

> may *claim* that he left because he "felt

> unappreciated, " but that is far from the

> whole story.

It was the whole story for Lawson.

> > There's some repetition, but not a whole lot, I'd say.

> > Certain topics come up over and over again, but the

> > substance tends to be relatively new each time.


> Or not, depending on the person viewing the

> Department of Redundancy Dept. discussion.  :-)


> In other words, some people can argue about the

> same thing for years and claim that every iter-

> ation of the argument is slightly different.

> What an unbiased observer might notice is that

> the person claiming subtle differences really

> *has* been arguing the same topic endlessly for

> over a decade.

As I said, certain topics come up over and over

again, but the substance tends to be relatively

new each time. No "in other words" at all, in

other words, just Barry's pretensions to be

less-biased- than-thou.




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