But don't you think that Barry's point of view is just what the doctor 
For me, your point of view is that--on the grounds that all this is {infact} 
that {mosquitoes included}.  

----- Original Message ----
From: authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 9:53:24 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Maharishi's secret!


            Note that we have here two more examples of

Barry's continuing obsession with the number

of my posts.

--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .> wrote:


> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:

> >

> > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "authfriend" <jstein@> 



> > > He felt that his posts were unappreciated, as I

> > > said to start with. Obviously you don't tell

> > > somebody to cut back posts you appreciate.

> > 

> > No? Even your *supporters* were asking you

> > to post less, Judy. And you categorically

> > refused, as did Lawson, as did Shemp. The 

> > posting limits were the result.

Actually I never "categorically refused." I

don't think Lawson did either. And to the

extent *anybody* wanted me to cut back, I felt


> Just as a followup, I should point out that

> yesterday, in less than 24 hours, you made 33

> posts. Those posts were mainly you either 

> rehashing old arguments that you've been argu-

> ing about for 14 years on this forum or another,

> and a few token posts dissing people you don't

> like and trying to "lessen" them in the eyes

> of other posters.

Actually this is a highly inaccurate description.

No surprise there.

> If the posting limits had *not* been put into

> effect, and you continued to post at the same

> rate, you'd easily rack up over 200 posts for the 

> week.

And yet somehow without posting limits, I rarely

went over 100 posts per week. How many posts I

make per day has to do with how many posts are

being made by others (typically more on the

weekends) and the specific topics that come up.


How many of the people who "appreciate"

> your posts here do you think still would if

> you were allowed to post as much as you clearly

> want to?

Dunno, why don't you ask them?

I appreciated almost all of Lawson's posts, no

matter how many there were.

> I think that what many of us "appreciate" most

> about your posts is that now, under the new

> posting limits, you've often compulsively used 

> them all up by Monday morning, and we can spend 

> the rest of the week free of them. The same would

> be true of Lawson if he were still around, but

> he'd "foul out on posts" by mid-day Saturday.


> And Shemp will probably come off his two-week

> hiatus full of bile and go over the limit within

> a few days, and then we'll be free of his posts

> for at least a month. I'm a big *fan* of the

> posting limits.  :-)

Oddly enough, Shemp, Lawson, and I are three of

your sharpest critics here. *Of course* you're a

"fan" of limiting our posts.




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