--- Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Jan 29, 2008, at 2:14 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
> >> On Jan 28, 2008, at 6:01 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:
> >>
> >>> No, Judy, after 5 years of this bullshit on your
> part, I won't play
> >>> your "reread what I said" or your "first get it
> straight" redirect.
> >>>
> >>> Answer the fucking question or shut the fuck up.
> >>
> >> Anyone want to bet on how many posts these two
> are going to waste on
> >> this silliness before they stop beating each
> *other* up?
> >
> > Sal, it's the result of the devastating effects
> > of "spunge-brain syndrome."
> >
> > Those who suffer from this horrible disease can
> > go on like this for YEARS and still not realize
> > that they're making absolute asses of themselves.
>   A good glass of wine would do wonders.
> Sal

And getting laid, of course in the correct vastu with
the appropriate ayurvedic unguents.


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