--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> [...]
> > But soon after, while I was very morose, sorrow, sad, entire world was
> > empty for me and I did not understand what to do without Guru Dev,
> > just a half a minute or two seconds after, a flash came and it
> > appeared to me that Guru Dev was scolding me;
> > 
> > 
> > "What a fool you are! You have been with me for all these many months
> > and years, and you heard my discourses too. Is it a moment of feeling
> > sorry? Why should you be sorry today? And you think that I am gone,
> > where am I gone? Till now whenever you wanted to meet me, you had,
> > you had to come to the place where I was, and today when I have
> > attained nirvana, I am everywhere, I am omnipresent. Where have I
> > gone? Very foolish for you to mourn on this occasion. I am with you,
> > here, there, everywhere. Why should you be sorry?"
> > 
> > 
> > And the moment this flash came, my face became very brilliant, I
> > became very cheerful. And when I raised my head, my friends who were
> > standing there, very anxious and held in suspense, they were upset to
> > see my brilliant and cheerful face. And then they said, "What has
> > happened to you?" I said, "No you can't understand, nothing has
> > happened to me, I am alright, now let me go back to the ashram and
> > make the necessary arrangements."
> >
> Where does it say that Guudev actually spoke to him?
> "...and it appeared to me that Guru Dev was scolding me;"

Apparently you didn't read the monologue.

> Schizophrenics hear voices and think its someone talking to them.

Satyanand wasn't schizophrenic, Lawson. Did you ever meet him?

> recall the attitude and put it into words or simply remember the
sound of the person 
> saying the words, but don't say "Gurudev spoke these words to me
after he died."

Apparently you didn't read the monologue.

> Instead, they say "and it appeared to me that Guru Dev was scolding me."
> Likewise, MMY received "direct inspiration from Gurudev" to do
something but didn't say 
> "Gurudev appeared in a vision and told me to do this."

You really haven't clearly defined "direct inspiration from Gurudev"
And you didn't really answer the question, Lawson. In my view, the
reason you didn't is because you don't want to consider any
possibility beyond that the "drop becomes the ocean" the end.

I have experienced Guru Dev visually and telepathically myself. Once I
'heard' him repeating something which I'd never heard before, I
believe it was in Sanskrit - as if an initiation or such. I know other
TM teachers who have had similar experiences. I'm not schizophrenic
and neither were they. And what we experience[d] isn't merely
'inspiration' from memories.

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