--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ruthsimplicity" 
> <ruthsimplicity@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > Tell me y'all, who has found the siddhi's
> > experiences to be superior to that of 2 times 20 meditation of your
> > mantra?  What is superior?
> With the exception of Yogic Flying, I don't have
> much in the way of experiences *during* program,
> but the effects *outside* program are significantly
> greater than those of 2x20 TM, in all the standard
> ways--greater productivity and creativity, more
> energy, etc., just generally more *wholeness*. It's
> pretty subjective and subtle but *very* distinct. I
> described it once here as gradually but steadily
> increasing transparency in my experience of life.
Thank you for sharing your positive results.

> Those I know personally who do the full
> > program do not show me that they are any different
> > in positive ways.
> Different from what, in what ways?

They just did not seem any different, except for working through the
tics.  Their reported subjective feelings about the benefits seemed
vague to me but I do know that it is difficult to describe internal

People often describe "ah ha" experiences they have, where in an
instant something is made clear.  I had the clear experience of
suddenly looking outside myself to what was happening on the course
and knowing deep inside that it  was delusion.   Now I cannot know if
I am right or if anyone else is right about their spiritual
experiences, but that was my experience.  I hate to use the word
because it might get people's back up, but I felt like I was
witnessing something akin to group psychosis.

I still find it interesting that I came to the practice with the
expectation of being charmed and you came with the opposite
expectation and we ended up in totally different places. 

And maybe that is just fine. The older I get the more comfortable I am
with the mysteries. 

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