On Mar 5, 2008, at 12:35 PM, Michael wrote:

Let them decide that, is all I'm saying.

I am all for that, but ITS NOT MY DECISION.

Why not?  Couldn't you have said something?

I'm not in charge.

Couldn't you have spoken up anyway? Or did you agree with the treatment those women were getting? Or were you just following orders, so to speak?

I just said that many, actually most women I know wouldn't even have tried it,

But apparently *these* women did. Do you even read your own emails, Michael?

nor would there have been many western men either. (The Purushas were aready sitting up there)

How did they get there--magic carpet? Presumably either they walked or used some kind of powered vehicle to get there, the same way the women could have.

All I'm saying is, don't rationalize or tacitly condone bad behavior, as you seem to be doing. "All that is necessary for evil (or in this case, condescension) to succeed, is for good people to do nothing." Paraphrased.


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