--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Janet Luise" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> > Can I ask a question? I don't know you from Adam, 
> > but you've been coming across a tad...uh...cultlike 
> > about this Tom fellow. And the website you pointed
> > us to has a vibe that's more than a little icky IMO. 
> > How much money have you...uh..."contributed" to 
> > this Core Spirituality Institute?
> Tom has been my life partner for going on 25 years now.  
> He was chosen 2 years in a row as the students favorite 
> faculty member -— teaching philosophy & film— at MIU in 
> th early 80's.
> For sure I'm his biggest cheerleader and I've contributed 
> my life—with no regrets.

Ok, that explains the enthusiasm; my apologies.

> Who self publishes & ask for donations?  A sanyansin, who else.  
> Tom writes for himself and the few people that can grok it.  

This I can grok.

> He's actually dumbed this down quite a bit.

This I can't. If you feel that you have to 
"dumb down" your book or your movie or your 
TV show, then you believe that your audience 
is dumb and you are not. Bad place to start.

> I don't actually remember you as a personality but I guess we played
> hooky together one afternoon at the first Squaw Valley course '68,
> going to Tahoe in someones van.  My roommate at the Christmas '67
> Asilomar Course was a very shy girl named Karen Tjsomethingnagel, 
> you eventual x-wife i guess.  
> Quite a suprise to come back to the US in 75
> and see the flashy Karen Wright, Registrar at miu.

I love that: "my eventual ex-wife." 

Difficult for me to identify with the idea
of her as either shy or flashy. 

Anyway, sorry for the misunderstanding.
I misinterpreted your obvious enthusiasm
for the book as a different kind of 

And for what it's worth, the lack of appeal
of the book for me probably has a lot to
do with the fact that I have no more "feel"
or love for or sense of identification with
Jesus than I do yer average guy on the street. 

The magic of his story for me is his humanity 
and his ordinariness. Anything that tries to 
portray him as special or an avatar is just 
going to set off my yawn reflex right from
the start. Different strokes for different
folks, and all that...

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