--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah, I tend to post all week long. But with
> moderation. After this one, I still have 24 
> left for the week. Some of us learned from
> the posting limits, some didn't.

What Barry really means to say is that some here
prefer to post on a hit-and-run basis, without
ever really engaging with anybody else on a
sustained basis. Others (like me) enjoy going at
it hammer and tongs for as long as a discussion
interests them and they have posts left.

> > I realize
> > people sometimes get extremely attached to what they write.
> > For it to become a ruling/consuming passion seems unhealthy.
> > Whatever. If your posts drew this to a quicker end, thanks.
> This week I'll have to admit that that was my
> *intention* in posting a few of the things I 
> did. I was tired of her after the 20 compulsive
> posts on Saturday, and figured she could be 
> easily suckered into pissing the other 30 away
> early on, so that we could have a relatively
> quiet rest of the week without her.

Of course, Barry was actually only responsible for
four of my last 30 posts. As I said, some people
here have a vastly exaggerated idea of their
influence on other people's posting habits.

> The thing is, if history is any indicator, next
> Saturday she'll still be fuming over this week,
> and will come back angry as a wet cat and spoiling 
> for a fight, so with any luck *that* will be a 
> "short posting week" for her, too, without any
> further intervention on my part.

As Barry knows, my posting weeks have tended to
be short since the current posting limits were
imposed; it's not something new as he pretends.
It's my posting preference given the limits. As
he also knows, the notion that I "fume" over the
week past is his wishful thinking, not the reality.

Barry makes up almost everything he says about me.
Whatever he tells you about me, you can be
virtually certain it's either flatly untrue, a
wildly misleading distortion, or a significant
exaggeration. Why he chooses to live in a fantasy
world is an interesting question.

And I'm delighted to have made these points with
my last post for the week. I had a fine time, and
I'll see everybody on Saturday.

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