--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> It is funny you say that, Saturday morning I was reading
> some messages on here and was scratching my head
> repeatedly. This person posted what read as a kinda angry 
> response to the moderator going point by point 
> disagreeing with the rational of the why/wherefore
> of posting limits.

No, just pointing out that much of his "rationale"
was significantly exaggerated.

 This was in the early stages of 
> about 20 posts over 3 hours that seemed rather strained.

May I suggest that perhaps you feel uncomfortable
with vigorous, engaged debate, and were projecting
your own feeling of strain onto me?

Because I find such debate both relaxing and
energizing, sort of like intellectual tennis.

The distinct thought I had was that 
> I wished the posting limit was lower or that the individuals
> involved would quickly run out.

We all run out after the same number of posts. I like
to go at it full-bore as long as a topic holds my
interest and I have posts left. Others prefer to space
their posts out. Different strokes for different folks.

On my run the 
> thoought returned that what I was seeing here was neurotic 
> but perhaps a necessary activity for those involved.
> I certainly hope it furthers their evolution but recognized that 
> I never wished to be entangled in that sticky web.

Well, one hopes you eventually become evolved enough
to enjoy vigorous engagement.

 I realize
> people sometimes get extremely attached to what they write.
> For it to become a ruling/consuming passion seems unhealthy.

Indeed. If you begin to feel entangled or attached
or consumed, rather than just having fun, it's time
for a rethink.

> Whatever. If your posts drew this to a quicker end, thanks.

Some people--not naming any names, mind you--like to
believe they have a far greater influence on the
dialogue here than they actually do.

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