Yes, the spiders (and some men) still rely on sleight of hand. But
what the spiders need to learn is that when the female's appetite for
food is satisfied, she is less likely to chew him up. Y'know,
according to entomologists, the female praying mantis eats her mate
because he's the nearest high protein meal and she's HUNGRY after a
mating session. I saw that on this video after watching the spider
So spiders and mantises need to at least start bringing along those
little white cartons of take-out before banging away.

This is a documentary vid, not an amusing vid, unless you think
females chewing up males is funny.

--- In, "Marek Reavis" wrote:
> Just like a magician -- it's all about misdirection
> of attention.
> --- In, "ispiritkin" wrote:
> >
> > It also sheds light on a mating behavior of humans --
> > the way men take women out for dinner BEFORE other
> > mating activities, especially in the early stages
> > of getting acquainted before the woman is lulled
> > by hormonal attachment. When spiders get that one
> > figured out, their evolution will leap forward.

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