Don't know why this fascinates me, but it does.  Found a source that 
says captivity increases hunger and anomalous behavior, and also that 
decapitation stimulates copulation.  (That sounds so cold and 
clinical -- how about "he starts banging away after his head is 
whacked off.")

The Snopes version for a quick read:

--- In, "hugheshugo" wrote:

> I always understood the mating rituals of insects to be a way
> for the male to approach a mate and switch off her auto-
> attack instinct, as soon as the deed is done she switches back
> to kill-anything mode. But it doesn't matter for the male
> if he gets caught because he dies not long after mating
> the first time anyway.
> Not much in it for the guys in the arachnid world, but they
> seem to be doing OK.

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