--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo"
> I'm not convinced anything has happened to me emotionally
> or career wise that I couldn't account for just by looking
> at myself and what's happened, influences from parents, school
> etc.... In short, 
> it should be obvious that I've been dancing on the strings
> of unseen powers rather than subject to the cause and effect
> of a life lived among other people just making it up as they
> go along.

You perhaps are mistaking cause and correlation. I can understand how
some in the past 1000 years took the notion of planets correlate to
events with "the planets cause events". But jyotish never said that
(that I have ever read or heard. Its been 10 years since I have done
anything with jyotish, but back then I read 10 or so books, saw maybe
8 or so jyotishees. Went to a national convention that happened to be
in my home town. I never hard any claim of causality.)

 Your watch may be able to tell when its five o'clock, and someone may
tell you that the train comes at 5, but in no way does the watch
striking 5 CAUSE the train to come. And no one claims that it does. 

Wristwatch, jytoish clock, no one claims causality. Why then expect or
look for causality?

And people may be acting "randomly" but collectively are certain
trends more apparent when the temperature rises? Higher crime? More
bar fights? More road rage? I see jyotish (if there is anything to it
-- jury still is out) as something like that. "Its going to be hot for
a while, and we can expect more events that occur when its hot to
actually occur." Not a lot of woo woo rays in that. 

(Or , "Its going to be a bumpy ride .. fasten your seatbelt")

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