--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Tom" <azgrey@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Tom" <azgrey@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Shame on you Angela. Questioning her POV must mean 
> > > > are a hypocrite, a liar, intellectually dishonest, and 
> > > > prolly voted for Republican tax cuts for the rich.
> > > 
> > > Uh, toots, the "POV" that Angela was questioning was
> > > the purest sarcasm. Both you and she missed it.
> > > 
> > > Lighten up, hey?
> > 
> > Oh, it was pure sarcasm alright sweet-cheeks.
> > 
> > sarcasm 
> > ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from French sarcasme, or via late
> > Latin from late Greek sarkasmos, from Greek sarkazein
> > `tear flesh,' in late Greek `gnash the teeth, speak 
> > bitterly' (from sarx, sark- `flesh' ).
> > 
> > ...'gnash teeth...'tear flesh...speak bitterly......yes,
> > your sarcasm is the purest, and noticed in the first place.
> > Nice and light.
> > Re-cueing the tunes:
> > "Because a vision softly creeping,
> > Left its seeds while I was sleeping..."
> Translation: Ooopsie, I really put my foot in it,
> didn't I? Let's see now, how will I recoup? I know!
> I'll give the etymology of "sarcasm" and pretend I
> saw it all along! Nobody will ever notice that my
> comment to Angela doesn't quite fit that scenario.
> Will they? I mean, jeez, it's really crucial that
> I bash Judy here to distract folks from Barry's
> embarrassing hypocrisy, but I don't want to look
> like a hypocrite myself... I dunno, but it's the
> best I can come up with.

Oh, I think everyone understands perfectly,
Jude. What's "really crucial" to you is 
bashing Barry. This post marks the 100th
such bash since I said I wasn't going to
be sucked into any more of your arguments
again. And I haven't been. 

You, on the other hand, have gone more than
a little crazy, desperately scheming to find
some comment -- anything -- that will get me
to argue with you again. Won't work, honey.
It really isn't entertaining to argue with
someone you pity, and I'm really big on 
"entertainment value" these days. You have
none. You're a one-trick pony, and most of
us got tired of the trick years ago.

I did notice that you *still* haven't man-
aged to post anything positive, however. How 
many months is it now that that's been going 
on? I think Tom's got a good point...if you
cannot help but come back from several
"days off" from FFL *still* full of anger 
and bitterness and old grudges, what DO you 
dream about?

Could it be...SATAN?  :-)

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