--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, I think everyone understands perfectly,
> Jude. What's "really crucial" to you is 
> bashing Barry. This post marks the 100th
> such bash since I said I wasn't going to
> be sucked into any more of your arguments
> again. And I haven't been.

Sez Barry, getting sucked in again, as he has
been repeatedly since he claimed he wasn't
going to be.

(Does he really *count* the number of times
I've bashed him?? That's really pretty amazing.)

But see, the bash here wasn't really anything
you *could* have argued with:

> > Edg is a putz, and I really don't want to spend
> > any more of my Sunday thinking about him, but I
> > just had to comment on the above.
> Sez Barry, who then proceeds to lecture Edg on his
> inability to control himself.

When you try to bash somebody for something you
openly admit to just having done yourself, you
invite mockery, and you leave yourself with no
> You, on the other hand, have gone more than
> a little crazy, desperately scheming to find
> some comment -- anything -- that will get me
> to argue with you again.

That wasn't my intention, as noted. But what
you're doing now just reinforces my original
point as to your inability to control yourself,
and your consequent hypocrisy in bashing Edg
for the same purported lack.

Plus which, there's no need for me to 
"desperately scheme" to find things to bash
you about. I mean, you just handed me one!
(I'm not sure "desperately scheme to find"
even makes sense semantically, but we'll
let that go for now.)

You've been getting off easy the last 
couple of weeks because I've been more
interested in political discussions with
folks who at least know a *little* about
what's going on (your ignorance on that
score is just too massive to bother with).

> I did notice that you *still* haven't man-
> aged to post anything positive, however.

What is this preoccupation with positivity,
Barry? Seems as though it's some weird 
hangover from your TM TB days. It isn't one
I share, sorry.

Just out of curiosity, though, what do you
think is the proper balance? I ask because, of
the 14 posts you've made so far this posting
period, 13 have been negative. What ratio
should one strive for, would you say?

> How many months is it now that that's been
> going on?

The only week in which I've made only negative
posts was last week, actually.

 I think Tom's got a good point...if you
> cannot help but come back from several
> "days off" from FFL *still* full of anger 
> and bitterness and old grudges, what DO you 
> dream about?

Actually, how I feel when I come back depends
entirely on what I find here when I do. (What
any of it has to do with dreams, I'm not sure.)

> Could it be...SATAN?  :-)

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