--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > Yesterday I mentioned the BBC 1980 "Brave New World" which can be 
> > found on Google (both US and UK):
> > http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3536993421073315692
> > It is startling to see how close we've come to the "Brave New 
> > World."  
> > Think about how many store clerks these days actually behave like 
> > the "Gammas" in the show.
> Thanks for the link! I had no idea the there was a
> movie of BNW, it's always been one of my favourite books,
> I used to try and explain to people why most of it had 
> already come true, but they never got it.

A warning. I downloaded it and started watching
it last night, and then checked out its entry on
the IMDB, where the general consensus among
reviewers was, "Arguably the worst film ever made
of a novel." They have a point. The acting and
dialogue are wooden and forced, and the profundity
of some of Huxley's concepts have been lowered to
the lowest common denominator.

I may or may not finish it. It's of interest pri-
marily if you knew the novel and want a short
"refresher course" in its concepts. But at the
same time it's a little like preparing your
high school book report by reading a Classics
Comic Book of "War and Peace" instead of reading
the novel.

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