--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > authfriend <jstein@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" wrote:
> > > The primaries she mentioned, had started a month or more
> > > earlier than the primary she was in, and her husband's
> > > nomination was assured, by accounts, in March, not June.
> > 
> > No, it wasn't. It doesn't become "assured" until
> > the convention. Tsongas and Brown were still in
> > contention in March; nobody was pressuring them
> > to drop out. Nobody *ever* pressured them to drop
> > out. Clinton didn't even have the delegates until
> > he won the California primary in June.
> You're living in a time warp judy - you think there is still
> some suspense at the conventions about who the delegates are
> actually going to vote for??

What I meant was that it's not official until the

But there hasn't been a primary this hotly contested
for this long in quite some time. You really can't go
by the recent past this year.

The DNC will surely try to get it all cleaned up by
August, but they may or may not succeed.

Have a look at my posts entitled "Obama and the
Unmaking of the Democratic Party" by Sean Wilentz and
"Clinton Has the Numbers" from the Philly Inquirer.

> Besides no one's pressuring clinton to drop out of the
> primaries,

They've been pressuring her to drop out since after
*Iowa*, Boo. You haven't been paying attention.

> There's no precedent in
> recent history of a candidate campaigning as negatively as
> clintons against the eventual noominee of their party.

Look, if you've drunk the Kool-Aid, you've drunk the
Kool-Aid. But this is not established fact; it's a
very ugly fantasy that the Obama campaign and the
media want you to believe. The truth is exactly the

I've never seen anything like it in my life (and I'm
66 years old, so I've been through quite a few
election campaigns by now). I'm just glad my parents,
committed lifelong Democrats, aren't around to see it.
It would break their hearts.

If you had told me a year ago that I'd be switching my
my registration from Democrat to Independent, I'd have
laughed in your face.

But it is to weep.

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