--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> 
> wrote:
> <snip>
> > > > So far this week, she has chosen to praise
> > > > the person who is history and no longer a 
> > > > part of the Presidential campaign in 17 of
> > > > her 35 posts. She has dumped on Obama and
> > > > demonized him in 10 of them.
> > > 
> > > I'm curious, Barry, what method do you use to keep
> > > such careful track of the number of my posts and
> > > their content? Is it a spreadsheet, or some program
> > > you've written yourself? Have you set up the software
> > > so that it automatically detects, for instance,
> > > whether a post is pro-Hillary, or is that something
> > > you have to decide and then tell the software?
> > 
> > Clearly, you have forgotten The Judy Stein 
> > Psychic Abilities Contest.
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/179221 :
> > 
> > During this posting week, in how many posts will
> > Judy Stein do the following:
> > 1. Praise Hillary Clinton? -- 11111 11111 11111 11111 
> > 2. Bash Barack Obama? -- 11111 11111 
> > 3. Bash Turq? -- 11111 11
> > 4. Bash Vaj? -- 
> > 5. Bash Marek? -- 111
> > 6. Bash Sal? -- 11111 11
> > 7. Bash TM? -- 
> > 
> > Quite a few people have replied via email with 
> > their "seeings," so I needed to keep track so 
> > I can get back in touch with them with how they
> > did against the week's total posts.
> BZZZZZZZT. Wrong again! You've been keeping careful
> track of my posts for a very long time.
> You're really off your game this week, Barry.

No, I stopped counting your posts the
week after you went over the limit and
then claimed you hadn't. Then, when it
became obvious that you *had* gone over
the limit, you refused to admit that you
had, and *then* blamed the thing you 
refused to admit to having done on the 
Yahoo Search engine.  :-)

I figured that after that you'd be too
embarrassed to go over the limit any more, 
so I stopped bothering to count your posts.

Counting some of the *content* this week is 
a new thing, a way of trying to get you to 
see your own trends and habit patterns, 
since you are clearly incapable of seeing 
them on your own.

You came up with an excuse for why you've
praised "she's history" Hillary Clinton so 
compulsively this week. 

But why exactly is it that you found the 
need to bash Obama so many times? 

Aren't you the person who has been praising 
Hillary for putting the past behind her and 
supporting him now that he's the nominee, 
and the person who praises that as a good 
thing, a shining example of someone (Hillary) 
who *cares* about the Democratic Party and 
the nation? What then is *your* excuse for 
continuing to bash him? Don't you want the
Democrats to win?

Now that you've brought it up, and revealed
how touchy you are about it having *been*
brought up, I may *continue* to count the
number of times you bash Obama between now
and the election. Then we can compare your
score to your heroine Hillary's score and
see which of you is the better Democrat.  :-)

Speaking of having brought things up, I just
checked using the Yahoo Search engine, and it 
appears that you "jumped the gun" this week.
You weren't able to wait until midnight Fair-
field time to 1) demonstrate your inability
to click on a link, and then 2) bash Rep. Rob
Andrews for blowing the whistle on the Clinton
campaign that you made two posts before the 
new "posting week" started.

That technically puts you two posts over the 
limit for last week. 

Since you'll undoubtedly "post out" before 
today is over, I assume that you will deduct
those two extra posts from this week's count
and stop at 48? Right?


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