> > So, you worked for the Marshy, selling
> > mantras, and sending the money to the 
> > Marshy's relatives over in India, but
> > you never even got to walk into his room?
> >
boo wrote:
> So when you were in the room with him did 
> you ask about sending money to the relatives 
> in india...
I did, and I don't have a problem with Marshy
sending money to his relatives in India - 
that's how he showed that he had empathy with 
his family.

> did you ask about selling mantras and promising 
> enlightenment in a few years?
I did, and the Marshy said he never promised
anything to anyone. I don't have a problem with
the Marshy charging for instruction.  

But it all depends on what you mean by 'room'.
Do you mean Marshy's hotel room, bedroom, or his 
bath room? 

> Why not?
> Shouldn't someone who was so close to mmy 
> like you been better able to see through all 
> the bs than someone who wasn't?
Yes, I saw through all the 'bs' better than
almost everyone. I think I know the Marshy
better than almost anyone on the planet.

> But somehow you're stuck on criticizing all 
> tm teachers...
No, not all TM teachers, just the ignorant 


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