Curtis wrote:
> Cuz he would never let me in the room 
> after I left.  
So, you weren't really all that close to
the Marshy.

> It is kind of set up that way.
So, you were never a Marshy 'door-boy'.

> But this is a world you are not really 
> knowledgeable about because you never 
> were in the room with him right? 
Yes, I was right in the room with Marshy 
- I walked right in and asked him a simple
question and he was very empathic in his 

> You don't get to walk in and talk to 
> him about anything, even when you work 
> for him.
You mean YOU didn't get to walk right in.
So, you worked for the Marshy, selling
mantras, and sending the money to the 
Marshy's relatives over in India, but
you never even got to walk into his room?

So, exactly, Curtis, how many minutes 
have you spent in face-to-face instruction 
from Marshy, where you and the Marshy 
were the only ones in the room?

About one minute? In over thirty years?

But you say you worked for Marshy and you
make TMO status claims.

So, what, exactly, did you do to earn your 
salary when you worked for the Marshy, that 
is, other than selling non-sense phrases?

Other questions:

Did you go door-to-door in your selling?

Did you get into anyone's room to sell or
ask a question?

Were you ever a 'skin-boy'?

> Zero access for the unconvinced.
Maybe he got tired of clowns in suits
walking in unannounced all the time; maybe 
he had some important work to do, instead 
of answering questions all the time; maybe
it was just you he didn't want into the 
room - maybe the Marshy thought you sucked
as a TM teacher and sucked even more as a

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