--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Stu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "claudiouk" <claudiouk@> wrote:
> > whether it's at all possible as an idea; Another point might be to
> > check out whether, like fractal generation, there are any interesting
> > surprises that unfold, whether "reap as you sow" actually works, at
> > least for these computer creatures.
> >
> > Is it a completely mad and useless idea?
> >
> It is neither mad or useless, its been done.  Karma translates directly
> as action.  The concept is entirely empirical.  Action can be observed. 
> Newton codified causality when he said for every action there is an
> equal and opposite reaction.  This is the law of Karma.
> The law of karma becomes murkier when applied to human behavior.  Common
> sense tells us there is some truth to the law of karma applied to human
> behavior.  For the most part a healthy person who commits murder, even
> if he gets away with it, will feel the consequences of the act for years
> to come.  The prevailing philosophy that best illustrates this moral
> natural law is utilitarianism.
> However the law of karma breaks down when psychopaths murder.  Here
> human behavior becomes subject to errant physical characteristics in the
> brain.  Karma played out in a neuro-biological sense.
> As for karma on the higher order, that is hogwash.  Ben Franklin ran
> into problems selling lightening rods for houses because in the day the
> ignorant hicks felt that a hit house burned down to pay for sins of the
> occupants, the lightening rod was an affront to god.  Lightening rods
> and firemen where heavily resisted by the simpletons of the time.
> It is unfortunate that there are still morons who entertain these myths
> and base their life decisions and activities on cartoon fantasies from
> earlier ages.
> I find it fascinating that people who take the time to meditate twice a
> day would choose to subscribe to any of this mumbo jumbo.  It seems to
> me that simple observation, in a relaxed quiet internally focused way
> would lead most people to better conclusions as to what is.  All the
> chatter on this NG about herbs, astrology, ethereal influences of
> populations, levitation, unicorns and phantoms to me is contrary to the
> results of the mind disciplined by meditation.
> Sure, there is clearly a non-material phenomenon (numonenon in Kant's
> phrasing) but its expression is hardly fantastic.
> s.

Seems to me that karma explains all issues, but perhaps "bad karma" in many
cases can merely be translated as "too stupid to take steps to protect 


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