--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hey Richard, 
> You are just a few pints short of genius.

Only a few? That's something, let me try and get a hlf-pint closer.

> Deutche's model would include a universe (billions actually) where 
> order karma is very apparent and proven. So your research problem 
> not to disprove collective karma al la 12th order, but only to prove
> that this is ONE universe in which it doesn't exist. In that light, 
> seems rather trivial. The ultimate conclusions: it doesn't exists
> here, but does exist there. So it exists.

Maybe not. The thing about parallel universes is that they 
contain all *possible* alternatives. If karma isn't actually
possible in this one it won't appear in any of them. Agreed?

If it does exist then I would think it would be in all of them 
as it seems quite fundamental. 
> On another note, I don't get your necessity to pin morality and
> intervention of gods for cause and effect to occur.

I don't, I think cause and effect happens independent of
both of those things. But that's a belief I would think
it's impossible to prove to anyones satisfaction unless
unambiguous predictions are involved.

 That a ball
> bounces back off a wall does not necessitate gods nor morality. Do
> this, get that result.  That seems to be the whole crux behind 
> isnt it -- understanding what happens when you do x y or z. Or all
> together? 
> It seem a bit of a flying leap to suddenly say, we expect NO effect
> from human action. 

I don't think I did, I'm just interested in the large scale
country karma, like the one in the TM press-release that
called for funds for a yagya for Germany to head off some
bad karma. I was hoping for a follow up and maybe for the
good people of germany to have refused to cough up so we
could see what (if anything) befell their land. I predict
nothing would have happened here but I guess even if it
had it could've been explained by me as just a natural

Seems that the small scale stuff you mentioned is just 
stuff happening but you call it karma instead.
> But thats why you are two pints short of genius, and I am lacking.

Don't worry, I'll buy you a drink, that'll cheer you up.

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