--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it true that PUMA is a Republican founded and funded
> group?

Definitely not. I think what you're referring to is
a rumor that got started about the woman who founded
the PUMA-PAC, which turned out not to be true; she's
a long-time Democrat. I can give you the details if
you're interested.

There may be Republicans hiding out among the PUMAs,
and it's not impossible some are contributing in the
hope of furthering McCain's candidacy, but the people
who consider themselves PUMAs do so because they're
Hillary supporters. Not that many of those among

And again, it's important to recognize that many
who've been supporting Hillary (moi included) are
doing so not because they think she's the cat's
meow but because they really, really don't like

> Seems kinda Nixonian.

How so?

 I wonder how much dough
> Sean Hannity has donated? Interesting that Hillary
> supporters line up with them instead of working on 
> getting a Democrat elected.

Line up with Republicans, you mean? Not all of them
by any means are doing that. Some say they'll vote
for Cynthia McKinney of the Green Party; some say
they'll leave the choice for president blank but vote
for downticket Dems; some say they'll write in Hillary;
some say they're going to stay home. Some *do* say
they'll vote for McCain, not because they prefer a
Republican but because he's a known quantity.

I won't be voting for McCain, but I'm not sure what
I will do yet.

> If there are really 18 million PUMAs, why don't they 
> each donate a dollar to retiring Hillary's debt?

There aren't anything like 18 million PUMAs; 18 million
is the number who voted for her in the primaries. Many
PUMAs *are* contributing to retire Hillary's debt,

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