--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> Okay.  That was the post of the week. (maybe the month) One thing I 
> want to add. 

Hey Steve, thanks.  I know you care about this "thought venue" as I
do.  Early on in my posting here your positive comments set a tone for
how how I thought of the "place."  You continue to do that for me.

 As soon as someone expresses some doubt as to whether 
> they can continue posting here, their days are numbered.  It happens 
> every time.  Ruth indicated at some point that she was "on the 
> fence" whether she could continue posting here.  Well "fuck her" 
> and "fuck Edg" when he would make the same veiled threat. What they 
> are saying is, "Okay group, you need to modify the conversation here 
> if you want me to stay"  To Edg's credit he went out without some 
> lame parting shot.  Ruth went out in a pretty classy way, putting 
> the blame on herself in not being able to handle Judy. But I think 
> we saw that coming.  She always let us know that we were on thin ice.
> The tone here changed irrevecably when alt.med came on board.  Many 
> would say that the group lost much of its charm and uniqueness which 
> was then replaced with pettiness and bickering.  In particular, 
> the "feud"  Posting limits were instituted, and that has helped. 
> Also it cut down on Lawson's incessant, obsessive posting.  
> As I see it, the truffles here are buried under a little more dirt, 
> and we don't see them as often, but enough of them appear to keep me 
> interested.
> -- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > > Do you think the fact that in recent posts he's
> > > made a point of telling you how much he likes you
> > > might have something to do with your positive
> > > opinion of him? (That's truly not intended as
> > > snark; I'm just calling your attention to 
> > > something that may not have occurred to you. We're
> > > all inclined to think well of people who say they
> > > think well of us, moi included.)
> > 
> > 
> > I'd like to use this for a launching pad for some meta-thoughts 
> I've
> > had about the dynamic here.
> > 
> > I was a bit tweaked by Jim's parting shot at the quality of 
> discussion
> > here.  I think the best response to not reading what interests you
> > here is to get writing and stimulate responses that are more
> > interesting.  I suspect that the problem was that for Jim a certain
> > assumption needed to be in place concerning his enlightenment and 
> many
> > here were unwilling to start with that assumption. I find people's
> > internal state irrelevant to any discussion.  And when we could go
> > beyond the assumption that his insight was intrinsically more 
> special
> > (A charge he refuted explicitly, but then immediately would presume
> > again. I think it was a blind spot.) Jim and I had some pleasant
> > discussions.  I think he was genuinely confused that he had a
> > superiority tone and didn't understand why some would not want to
> > interact under that premise of relationship.  So liked parts of Jim
> > and that was enough to keep the ball rolling occasionally.
> > 
> > Same with Michael. We didn't share much in would view but he was
> > willing to open up and let me see his a bit and I really enjoyed 
> the
> > ride and respected his ability to accept how far I was willing to 
> go
> > with it all.
> > 
> > Ruth and I shared a comfort with each other's perspective.  But
> > ultimately I'm not sure her interest could be sustained here.  I 
> think
> > she was genuinely interested in why people would hold some of the
> > beliefs some people do here, and I remember when she first started
> > interacting with Judy in fruitful discussions.  I was sorry to see
> > that fall apart whatever the reasons because I think they often
> > brought out the best from each other. I don't blame Judy for that
> > ultimately working not out.  It was a fascinating unnatural mix and
> > that interaction is the coolest thing that happens here IMO, but 
> it is
> > a fragile creature and unsustainable. Judy was being Judy and that
> > either works for you or it doesn't.  For Ruth it didn't in the end,
> > but I'm sure her mind was not going to be fulfilled here after she 
> had
> > mined some of the groups richest intellectual veins a bit more. I
> > think people who hang here are more into the process of what goes 
> on
> > there rather than the content.  I miss her perspective.
> > 
> > Judy and Turq love their war.  I've already said I am gay for both 
> of
> > them, but the relationships are completely different. With Turq 
> there
> > is natural affection.  We know the edges of where our beliefs don't
> > line up but I can't imagine a reason for us to argue about any of 
> it.
> >  We agree more than disagree, so keeping rapport is easy.  But we 
> have
> > also taken some time to get to know each other in a bit more 
> detail so
> > our friendship online is more specific.  I feel as if he has taken 
> the
> > effort to understand what is important to me and I have done the 
> same.
> > (how gay is that?) So even if we find something to disagree about 
> in
> > our world view it is in a context of friendliness.  
> > 
> > With Judy it is more of an understanding rather than a natural
> > comfort.  Having gotten bored with my own cartoonish view of her, I
> > consciously tried to see who was behind the light saber and grew to
> > appreciate her POV.  Not share always, but appreciate and to my
> > surprise sometimes learn from it.  So now even though I can be a 
> bit
> > reactive and defensive with her, I am usually able to see 
> something of
> > value beyond my own touchiness in our interactions that I value.  
> She
> > has met me half way in this and it has allowed for some of the more
> > fruitful discussions I have had here.  I can't count on her 
> defaulting
> > to seeing me in the best light as I can with Turq.  Every 
> interaction
> > is kind of an emotional clean slate with nothing assumed beforehand
> > with her.  It could always go either way.  It is a bit edgy and 
> fun. 
> > 
> > But both of them would prefer the all out war that engages them
> > together to almost any other interaction here I think.  I'm just 
> going
> > by the numbers of posts devoted to it.  This may not really 
> represent
> > an emotional preference.  Their joy in enhanced by their lack of
> > seeing each other in a more 3 dimensional way. They love their 
> anime
> > co-created world.  People who read it and freak out are just 
> dealing
> > with their own conflict issues IMO.  It is optional, but if you 
> choose
> > to read it, you can often find some really entertaining verbal
> > sparring from two creative, intelligent ( I am so gay) minds  who 
> are
> > fully engaged in a Tarantino like script that they have honed to a
> > high art.  My natural affinity with Turq does not mean that in 
> every
> > exchange I "take his side."  Many times I am more in agreement with
> > Judy's point.  But never in the absolute way that she might like.  
> I
> > agree only on the specific issue sometimes, not the general "Turq 
> is
> > bad" general overtone.  (the word "bad" is in place of a series of
> > invectives that would cause my laptop to overheat)  And conversely,
> > when I appreciate a point scored by Turq, it is not an acceptance 
> that
> > the match is his, and that I agree with his total characterization 
> of
> > Judy. (again "bad" will have to do)
> > 
> > So "should" they see each other in a more friendly way, taking the
> > time to get to know the good parts of each other in an Ecstasy 
> fueled
> > rave love fest bringing a spirit of Kumbaya to FFL and through it 
> to
> > the whole world?  HELL NO!  As long as you guys slug it out I will 
> be
> > an occasional fan at the match and for those people who find this 
> too
> > much heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen.  This is not Darfur, 
> this
> > is two writers who get a kick out of mixing it up online.
> > 
> > They don't need to change, FFL doesn't need to get 
> more "anything." 
> > It either servers your needs or it doesn't.  To my surprise it has
> > been a real pleasure to post and read here for quite some time.  
> The
> > place rocks IMO. And it rocks because of every person who puts 
> fingers
> > to keys and contributes more than a complaint that it isn't more
> > "whatever."
> > 
> > I am gay for FFL.  There, I've said it!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Hugo" 
> > > 
> > > <richardhughes103@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> > > 
> > > <jstein@> wrote:
> > > [to Geeze:]
> > > > > Look, I know you have to defend him because he's your
> > > > > friend, but I've known him for almost 14 years now--
> > > > > not as long as you have, and only via this medium--
> > > > > but long enough to have a pretty clear idea of who he
> > > > > is. I have never *once* seen him laugh at himself.
> > > > > Maybe he does it in "real life" with people he's close
> > > > > to and not threatened by, but he has a need to present
> > > > > himself quite differently in this venue.
> > > > 
> > > > He doesn't come over like that to me at all. I've
> > > > seen humility in the guy on these pages many times.
> > > > He's always the first to put his hand up when he makes
> > > > a mistake, I'm sure if he was arrogant he wouldn't
> > > > bother.
> > > 
> > > You've apparently missed a substantial number
> > > of his "mistakes." I'd say the ratio of mistakes
> > > made to mistakes acknowledged is about 50:1.
> > > 
> > > > > And enough others over the years have validated my
> > > > > take on him, both in public and in private, for me to
> > > > > know I'm not indulging in some purely personal fantasy
> > > > > about him. He's one of the most mean-spirited,
> > > > > hypocritical, dishonest, ego-driven, angry, unhappy
> > > > > individuals I've ever encountered anywhere.
> > > > 
> > > > I'm not writing this to have a go Judy, just as a
> > > > different opinion from a different perspective.
> > > 
> > > No problem, I take it as such.
> > > 
> > > > Usually I steer well
> > > > clear of your arguments as I don't think they are any
> > > > of my business and I've only been here a short time
> > > > so I don't know the full in's and out's.
> > > 
> > > That could make a major difference in how you
> > > perceive Barry. (And on a public forum, anything
> > > anybody posts is everybody's business. Whether
> > > you have any *interest* is a different question
> > > entirely.)
> > > 
> > > > And I don't feel I have to defend
> > > > Barry at all, he's more than capable of looking after
> > > > himself but I think your analysis here is way wide of
> > > > the mark, maybe you're projecting most of this, I
> > > > really don't know how you got into this state but it
> > > > seems to be a hallmark of your online relationships.
> > > > Can we admit that?
> > > 
> > > I'm not sure what "state" you're referring to,
> > > so you'll have to elaborate before I can comment.
> > > 
> > > > But Judy, Mean spirited? I think the guy's all heart.
> > > > Unhappy? A joke, surely. Dishonest? I don't know where
> > > > you're getting this from.
> > > 
> > > You know, I could write pages and pages with
> > > illustrative examples from his posts documenting
> > > meanspiritedness and dishonesty, among other
> > > traits. I can't document "unhappy"; it's just a
> > > very strong sense I (and others) have gotten. But
> > > happy people are not typically meanspirited and
> > > dishonest, etc.
> > > 
> > >  Maybe it all just boils down to the fact he doesn't 
> > > > like you. I've had hundreds of pleasant conversations
> > > > with Barry about all sorts of things
> > > 
> > > Barry has no problem making himself pleasant and
> > > likable to people he wants to like him. But try
> > > getting into a real argument with him, in which
> > > you strongly challenge his perspective and don't
> > > back down. You may see a different face entirely.
> > > 
> > > , obviously we are similar 
> > > > in a lot of ways but I *don't* get the feeling that
> > > > is the sole reason we get along. It would be boring
> > > > if it was.
> > > > 
> > > > And I agree whith Sal that anyone who blames Barry
> > > > for them leaving is a bit of a sad case.
> > > 
> > > But Barry (as well as Sal and Geeze) have no problem
> > > whatsoever blaming me for Ruth leaving. Do you see a
> > > bit of inconsistency there?
> > > 
> > > People have *reasons* for leaving. That doesn't mean
> > > they're claiming they didn't leave of their own
> > > volition. Michael certainly didn't make such a claim,
> > > nor did Ruth.
> > > 
> > > > Maybe the real reason Jim 
> > > > left is because he couldn't answer Barry's tough 
> > > > questions?
> > > 
> > > Barry's questions to Jim, IMHO, weren't "tough,"
> > > they were irrelevant. Barry wasn't making any
> > > attempt to grasp what Jim had been saying, so
> > > all he could come up with was non sequiturs. Jim
> > > tried over and over to get him on the right track
> > > but wasn't able to do so. Barry wasn't interested
> > > in having a discussion; all he wanted to do was
> > > put Jim down.
> > > 
> > > > My instinct is NOT to press send here I'm not writing
> > > > this to be critical or in expectation of you, or anyone,
> > > > liking the Barry but just to give you the idea that
> > > > some see him differently to you and and Nabluss etc.
> > > 
> > > Fine with me. I'd just suggest that if you really
> > > want to know why I see Barry as I do, you'll need
> > > to follow a few of our exchanges--both sides thereof
> > > --with attention. Or go back and read some of his
> > > diatribes against Nabby or Lawson or any of his
> > > favorite targets. His last exchange with Michael is
> > > pretty revealing as well.
> > > 
> > > You might want to have a look at my response this
> > > morning to Barry's reply to Geeze (Barry's post is
> > > #184320). See whose characterization of recent
> > > exchanges you think is more accurate (you may have
> > > to go back and look at those exchanges if you don't
> > > remember exactly what went down).
> > > 
> > > > Or maybe his Negativity Ray (TM) and Literary Eloquence
> > > > (TM) have blurred my brain too.
> > > 
> > > Do you think the fact that in recent posts he's
> > > made a point of telling you how much he likes you
> > > might have something to do with your positive
> > > opinion of him? (That's truly not intended as
> > > snark; I'm just calling your attention to 
> > > something that may not have occurred to you. We're
> > > all inclined to think well of people who say they
> > > think well of us, moi included.)
> > >
> >

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