--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shempmcgurk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> 1) What happens to the pundits in Fairfield?  The Pundit Project has 
> been a key "happening" in the Movement for the past 5 years or so.  
> Girish and family hold the leases on these semi-slaves.  So this will 
> be a big disrupt right there.
> 2) Girish is Maharishi's family.  If there is a split, how will this 
> affect, psychologically, the troops in the West?  We are supposed to 
> be above these sorts of things and a split will confuse, demoralize, 
> and depress many TBers.  Can't have that.
> 3) Moolah.  How much of the Movement's fortunes are held by and 
> controlled by the Indians?  Will there be court battles to get the 
> money?  This won't be pretty from a publicity point of view.
> 4)  How many in the East (ie., India) will side with the Family?  
> More importantly, will any in the West?  You know, one juicy rumour 
> that is BOUND to start here in the West and which, of course, you 
> will find fertile ground for it to fester is that Girish -- who looks 
> like his uncle and aspires to BE his uncle -- is actually Maharishi 
> incarnate.  Isn't there a sidhi for taking over another's body? 

Yep! Praps we might call it "cittasya para-shariiraaveshaH".

>From Vyaasa's comment:

karma-bandha-kSayaat sva-cittasya pracaara-samvedanaac ca
yogii cittaM sva-shariiraan niSkRSya shariiraantareSu nikSipati.

That might mean something like 'from destruction of the bondage
of karma and because of  knowledge of the movements of his own mind, a
yogii can, after having removed his mind from his own body,
"throw" it into the body of another'. (That is partly guessing,
because I didn't bother to consult any dictionary).

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