On Jul 21, 2008, at 12:44 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

According to a PDA developer's group I hang out on the ones that are
offering apps via the iPhone Apple store are running into a snag that
show Apple didn't think things out too well. Apple doesn't provide the
user list to the developer until they get paid 45 days later in the
meantime they don't know whether they support emails they get are really
from people who purchased their product or not.   Also it is next to
impossible for the developers to provide bug fixes on this platform. Of
course just like the MP3 player which Apple did not invent neither did
it invent pocket computers, those have been around for over a decade so
to use such hype in their ads is a little misleading.  And by the way
how do you type in a URL on the iPhone? Do you get a full keyboard on
the screen or the slow way you do it on a phone.

You just tap on the address field and a multi-touch keyboard appears on the screen. It actually learns typing errors on the fly and corrects them. After just a couple of weeks, I'm getting pretty good at it. It wouldn't work good for people with long fingernails.

I'm pretty happy with the apps I've downloaded. For example one called Shazam, which I'd never heard of this possibility before, will "listen" to any song playing and identify it for you. So when I hear an odd song on the radio, classical, rock, a song in a movie, it doesn't matter, you just hold up the iPhone to the sound source and it tells you the song, the album it came off of and shows the album art. It also looks up any related videos on YouTube! Like many apps there, it's free.

I have yet to try video rentals on the thing, but I do like the idea of renting videos before a vacation and just watching them when you want, where you want on the phone or connected to a TV.

It's a brand new platform, so I'm sure there will be a few snags, but so far it's been a great experience as a user. In fact it's one of the most positive user experiences I've had with any product. If there's some things that aren't worked out very well, I have yet to come across them.

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