--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A classic, from alt.meditation.transcendental, 5 Nov 2003.
> To set the scene, Shemp had been being nothing more than
> his usual self, the Shemp we know and love from Fairfield
> Life, going on a tear about "Why are so many poor people 
> so fat?"
> Judy took umbrage at this, and reacted by stalking off the 
> newsgroup in a snit, aiming a stinging "parting shot" at 
> Shemp and someone named Delia, whom she would later come
> to embrace and laud as soon as she jumped on me.

Knowing lie. As I already pointed out, Delia and I
were on excellent terms for several years *before*
this falling-out occurred over politics.

> The good part's at the end.
> Judy "returned" 58 hours later, and made a total of 2,560
> posts over the next three months.

Knowing, blatant lie. Barry made up that number out
of whole cloth.

In fact, I made only about 100 posts over the next
three months--way below my usual total--virtually
all in response to attacks on and lies about me
from Barry and a couple of others. I didn't
participate in any substantive threads for months.

All this is easily verifiable.

BTW, for a good time, follow the alt.m.t thread that
begins here:


It's called "DHMO Update," and it shows Delia at
her best.

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