Hugo wrote:
> Interesting article here:
> It doesn't really explain how mantras came to be
> so powerful, if indeed they are actually different
> from any other randomly chosen sound.
Think resonance.  It is the resonant qualities of the sound which 
determine the effect and the basis for Nada Yoga (the science of 
sound).  Remember the TM lecture example of scratching your fingernails 
on the blackboard as an example of a sound that wouldn't probably make a 
very good mantra.  :)
> Does anyone know what the earliest known mantra 
> technique is? Difficult to know but even the
> geographic whereabouts of early spiritual cultures
> would be interesting.
Lost in antiquity but probably not that important.  Though the 
originators are probably exploring other galaxies and domesticating 
creatures they find on those planets with such techniques.  ;-)

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