On Jul 24, 2008, at 12:03 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Curtis, think you are going a little overboard with your rejecting a
lot > of yogic science.

I just said it is faith based, and it is.  I don't share your faith.

What you're not getting is that yogic "science" is not faith based at all: it is direct experience based.

You'd find it easier to understand this if you had a teacher who had experientially guided you through the various stages of meditation. Just because you were burned by a false guru is a bad reason to assume that other meditative teachers are not authentic. But it is a reason to be suspicious.

It appears to me that since you did not have the benefit of such training, you go to the opposite pole of experience: objective, verifiable materialistic experience and embrace that as your belief: faith in science. And clearly science is also faith based. We don't replicate every peer-reviewed we see published; we take it on faith that it's "good science". Similarly in terms of internal states, we rely on the authenticity of the teacher and the authenticity of his or her experience. The problem of course is, in either case, if you have a crooked scientist or a fraudulent yogi your very basis of inquiry is inherently flawed.

In the same way that external validation can take place, so can validation of internal states. I think you should be open to the fact that you may have been "burned" by a fraudulent internal scientist ("yogi"), but just as a fraudulent scientist does not invalidate all of scientific inquiry, nor does a fraudulent yogi invalidate all verifiable internal states.

Also similarly, when a faulty or fraudulent scientist attempts to present bad science, peers should be made aware of the error, so too should fraudulent yogis be exposed for their mountebankery. It's unfortunate that such persons exist, but they do. In your own example it's forced you to be averse to a whole dimension of inquiry, the internal ones. This is however a natural response to abuse. You've been wounded in some way and so you (or any of us) react accordingly.

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