--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > > > "mixing instructions?" If Maharishi's system of instruction and
> > > > emphasis on effortlessness is valuable wouldn't you want all 
> > > > teachers to use it?
> > > 
> > > No. Different Masters, different strokes. Rich Archer uses 
> > > Maharishi's procedures for the use of mantras without his own 
> > > Guru, Amma's consent and approval. He never asked Her if that 
> > > is OK. He didn't bother, instead infusing the situation with 
> > > his own ego thus creating a mess his Guru certainly did not 
> > > ask for. 
> > > 
> > > He certainly has a nerve, I'll give him that.
> > 
> > Indeed he does.
> > 
> > Imagine, doing something without asking your
> > "Master's" permission. Guess that possibility 
> > has never occurred to Nabby. 
> > 
> > You know who else it never occurs to?
> > 
> > Slaves.
> And disciples.

Same thing.

Or do you see a difference? I don't. Both slaves
and 'disciples' fawn all over their Massa's and do
exactly what they are told to do. Neither gets
paid for it. Neither (if TM is any indication)
gets any benefit for it. The only difference I
see is that slaves have an excuse for acting
like slaves. :-)

> I've mentioned this before. Those that pick a Teacher and 
> then goes against this person's wish has a relatively easy 
> life today because life on earth now is so crucial, it being 
> very very important for Masters to invite as many as possible 
> on board to try to save the situation.

Nabby, is it possible that your view of what 
"teachers" are like, let alone "Masters," is
merely a product of your own lack of experience
and lack of education? You seem to have bought
what the only two "Massas" you've ever dealt 
with told you completely -- namely that the 
"proper" relationship of teacher to student is
one of slave owner to slave. You (as student) 
DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD and never even *think* of 
thinking for yourself. Right?

Well, that's not how it works in ALL teacher-
student relationships. Many of them from more
sane traditions than TM's or Benny Hill's (sorry,
Benny Creme's) assume that the student has a mind
of his own and a will of his own, and give him
the absolute right to exercise either. For example,
there is that quote of Buddha's that graces the
home page of the forum you somehow can't bring
yourself to leave: ""Believe nothing, no matter 
where you read it, or who said it, no matter if 
I have said it, unless it agrees with your own 
reason and your own common sense." 

In your slave mindset you probably consider this 
heretical. You're more a fan of turning your mind 
and your life over to your "Massa," and allowing 
him or her to run things from there on out. 

On the other hand, you seem attracted to Fairfield
Life, and can't seem to go more than a few days
without posting here. Could it possibly be that
part of you is still *attracted* to those who still
have minds of their own, and to those who have the
courage you lack, and do what *they* feel is best 
in their lives, not what someone tells them to do?

Could it possibly be that all your barbs are nothing
more than *envy*? Could it possibly be that you -- as
an outcast from the TM movement because you have pub-
licly admitted that you've seen Amma and that you 
are involved with Benny Hill's (oops...there I go 
again...sorry...Benny Creme's) teachings, are here
trying to do "research" to figure out how to handle
your life now that YOU wouldn't be allowed within 
100 feet of any official TM building?

We shall endeavor to be good role models for you,
Nabby, and to show you that there IS life after 
slavery, and that even slaves who seem to have had
the ability to think trained out of them as the 
result of decades of indoctrination can -- with 
courage, dedication, and hard work -- regrow their 
ability to be think for themselves. 

Not to mention regrowing those two other things
you allowed to atrophy along with your mind...

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