On Nov 20, 2008, at 10:48 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

> Some talking head (I forget which) recently pointed out that the time
> Hillary is taking to accept or turn down the offer for secretary of
> state  is a bit passive aggressive.

Uh, oh...
> I don't know if that is true or not since we don't have the details of
> the supposed "offer" or have full disclosure on how complicated Bill's
> foreign country business deals would make this.
> Maybe it's a slight, maybe not.
> But it does show very good faith on Obama's side towards Hillary that
> he is letting this impression of a diss linger.  He gave her great
> respect and consideration to let this offer get out and let her take
> her own sweet time in answering.
> I wonder if the Hillaryphiles here are going to acknowledge that she
> is getting very preferential treatment here.

Ever been to Hell, Curtis? (C'mon, fess up, we know
you're a regular).  When was the last time you saw
icicles hanging there?

All we'll get, if anything, is more silly rationalizing.

>  If it was me, (and thank
> all the gods it is not!) I would say, "here is the offer, take the
> weekend to decide, on Monday you either sign up or I move one to my
> next choice.


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