--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> 
> >
> > As for the Turq/Barry problem; increasingly people on FFL find 
> > it mind-boggeling that a fellow who left the TMO in disgrace, 
> > having been told to keep physically away from Maharishi by His 
> > Secretaries more than 30 years ago...
> The TBs are getting desperate.
> Not a word of this is true, and Nabby knows it.
> Furthermore, JUDY knows it, and is not calling
> Nabby on his lie because she's doing the same thing
> he is with her insinuations that I'm somehow viol-
> ating my friend's privacy by posting my little test.
> At least Nabby had the balls to state his lie
> outright. Judy took the weasel route and cloaked
> hers by phrasing it the first time she said it as
> if she were merely asking a question and not plant-
> ing an insinuation. It's a technique of lying she 
> learned from Limbaugh and Cheney and their ilk. 
> Ask yourself this question, folks -- if I'm violating
> my friend's privacy, where did I get the birth data?

Simple; you made it up. This "friend" of Barry does not excist.

> We're both waiting to see whether JohnR will take
> up the challenge.
> As for Nabby's lie, I'm sure Jerry Jarvis would be
> able to tell you it's not true. 

And Jerry Jarvis will stand up for you any time now !

You were kicked out of the Movement and told to stay physically away 
from Maharishi. 

That's the simple truth.

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