raunchydog wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_...@...> wrote:
>> Barry,
>> I knew that even before you typed the email to the moderators.
>> JR
>> PS
>> Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
>>> Since it appears that JohnR is not going to 
>>> respond to my challenge with his analysis of
>>> my friend's medical condition as indicated in
>>> her Jyotish chart, and I want to finish up my
>>> participation in all existing threads on FFL
>>> before the new year starts, I will post the 
>>> answer. 
>>> ( It goes without saying that any subsequent 
>>> attempts by JohnR or any other Jyotishi to 
>>> say, "Oh, I saw that in the chart, but I was 
>>> just late in posting my response" should be 
>>> greeted with howls of derisive laughter. :-)
>>> The medical issue my friend is dealing with is
>>> called being pregnant.
>>> Other than that simple and fairly common medical 
>>> issue, she is 100% healthy. Her doctors, both 
>>> allopathic and from the world of alternative 
>>> medicine, believe that she will have a normal 
>>> home birth, but just in case, arrangements have 
>>> been made by the midwives at a nearby hospital 
>>> in case she requires surgery. We all hope that 
>>> isn't necessary.
>>> Below is the text I sent to the FFL moderators.
>>> The only thing I changed in it was to delete 
>>> my friend's last name (for privacy, and to keep 
>>> stalkers away from her) and to insert the word 
>>> "best" in front of "friend," because she really 
>>> is my best friend. I'm heading off in a few min-
>>> utes to spend the rest of the year with her, 
>>> even though that'll only be five hours. :-)
>>> Had JohnR analyzed the chart and posted that he 
>>> "found" indicators of disease, that would have 
>>> been partly because I described her condition as 
>>> a medical issue. Well, duh, it is. Giving birth 
>>> IS a medical issue, and never a 100% safe one. 
>>> But IMO the only reason he would have "found" 
>>> indicators of disease in her chart would have been 
>>> because *he was looking for them*, and projecting 
>>> them onto a chart in which they did not appear. 
>>> Similarly, when Judy and Raunchydog accused me 
>>> of violating my friend's privacy by making her 
>>> medical condition public, they were *looking for 
>>> things to demonize me with*, and projecting them 
>>> onto the situation in the form of the bogus 
>>> "privacy" straw man. Please join me in laughing 
>>> at their attempts to portray me as a Bad Guy for 
>>> violating my friend's "medical privacy." It's 
>>> hard to *miss* the medical condition of someone 
>>> who is eight and a half months pregnant; keeping 
>>> it private is just not an option unless you are
>>> wearing a tent. :-)
>>> The original letter to the FFL moderators follows,
>>> in case someone actually wants them to confirm that 
>>> this is what I sent to them earlier. As noted 
>>> above, the only thing in it I have changed is to 
>>> delete my friend's last name out of concern that 
>>> one or more TBs here would start stalking her the 
>>> same way that they stalk me and Vaj and Paul Mason 
>>> and John Knapp and others who have dared to be 
>>> critical of TM or its ludicrous "extra added cost" 
>>> products like Jyotish. 
>>> I still think that this would have been an interest-
>>> ing test, if JohnR had had the cojones to respond
>>> to it. But he didn't. I think that speaks for itself
>>> about the depth of *his* belief in the accuracy and
>>> efficacy of Jyotish.
>>> But the interesting test that DID take place was 
>>> how a few TM True Believers here responded to the 
>>> idea of Jyotish being put to the test. If John's
>>> lack of a response speaks volumes, theirs fills
>>> libraries.
>>> Happy New Year,
>>> Unc/Turq/Barry
>>> ***************************************************
>>> Sent to Rick, Alex, and gullible_fool:
>>> As mentioned on FFL, I am challenging JohnR to
>>> use the birth data below to pinpoint the nature
>>> of the medical condition that my friend is deal-
>>> ing with. 
>>> The birth data:
>>> Born: Suffern, New York, USA
>>> September 18, 1965 18:06 (6:06 p.m.)
>>> The person, and their medical condition:
>>> This is the birth data for my best friend Laurel,
>>> who is very, very pregnant and about to give birth.
>>> Both medical doctors and alternative care providers
>>> have assured her that all is perfectly fine with
>>> the pregnancy, and that there is no danger to either
>>> mother or (soon) daughter. A normal birth is planned,
>>> but as I said there is the possibility of required
>>> surgery if things don't go as planned.
>>> As I understand Jyotish, *if it works* John should 
>>> have no problem with noticing this medical condition 
>>> in her chart, even if I did not specify the sex of
>>> the person. In fact another Jyotish practitioner 
>>> DID, in fact, predict the pregnancy from her chart
>>> a year before it happened. She wasn't trying to
>>> get pregnant.
> Dang, Barry. I was sure you were going to put one of your dogs up for
> the Jyotish test. My bad. Anyway, have a Happy New Year.
That might be a rather old dog wouldn't it?

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