On Jan 2, 2009, at 10:50 AM, raunchydog wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:

What he seems to be doing is claiming AFTER THE
that he "knew" that my friend's medical condition
was that she was pregnant.

I think that's total bullshit.

Barry, I thought your initial challenge to John's Jyotish abilities
was a set up for a smack down. You recovered some credibility when you
offered a blind test, but I was still skeptical you might pull a fast
one by posting the Jyotish of one of your dogs. Sorry for doubting
you, but we haven't been on friendly terms from the git-go. I admire
your writing abilities minus the nasty crap and that's the best
compliment I can muster for today.

I'd like to see another Jyotish test that has fairness and integrity
on both sides of the challenge. Yes, John dropped the ball while
protecting his own, but he was understandably suspicious of knives at
the ready. Jyotish has been around for a long time, you'd think it
would have been tested plenty already. I really want to know if it's
any better than reading tea leaves or Tarot.

I've stayed out of this jyotish test question, but what I'd offer up as evidence that Jyotish is an actual "consciousness-based" reality that can determine physical outcomes is that one or more of the non- believers, say Curtis or Barry or whoever who wants to have their limits stretched, should have a Jyotish reading done by Yogi Karvay.

Yogi Karvay asked for no birth data. He places his attention on you, goes into samadhi and as he comes in and out of his transcendence, he reads off all the planets, to the degree, as the actually appeared in the sky and gives your exact birth date and time without ever knowing anything about you. I know because not only has he done mine, he's also done friends of mine. Spot on every time. He predicted Nehru's life when he was in jail and it all turned out as predicted. And Nehru hated astrologers. Depending on special circumstances he may or may not to do detailed predictions. But suffice to say, his descriptions of my life literally took my breath away.

After he does your reading, he'll initiate you into the sadhana to gain the siddhi as well.

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