On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Patrick Gillam <jpgil...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > A former MIU classmate of mine who has > spent most of her life on Mother Divine > told me about an interesting exchange > Maharishi had with an Invicible America > course participant a few years ago. The > CP was going on about doing X minutes of > this part of the program and Y minutes > of that part, and Maharishi said, in > effect, You don't have to cleave closely > to those times. We instituted those times > at the beginning, but we've been at it so > long we can work out our own schedules now. > > I kid you not. That's how I understood the > exchange, relayed second-hand as it was. I > could have it wrong, of course, but the > takeaway my friend and I had was that we > could pretty much customize our programs > with MMY's blessing. > > > I wonder what kind of participation the > Domes would get with a 30-minute program. > It is true that most people no longer do their full TM/TM Sidhi Program. I have some friends who were on IA and are having a rough time of it and they're doing a 30 minute program. But I visit sidhas who just finished program and they were on the phone with you 30 minutes ago inviting you to come visit. You did hear what Maharishi said correctly. No longer a need to time exactly. More do what feels right. There use to be two waves in the Dome a few years ago: for the 20 minutes of sutras and for the 40 minutes of sutras. There is a lockstep in the Dome until you get to flying, but of course there are people doing shorter program. The emphasis is on flying. Flying for hours. Two reasons for this. One, to incourage personal growth. Second, to increase the ME. If you had men flying from 10 to 30 minutes years ago and you now get a bunch of people flying for a couple of hours at a time, well, that increases the super radiance. There's a whole lot less emphasis on Research into Consciousness as the Field of All Possibilities. This disappoints me because I love many repetitions of the sutras. So many repetitions that you forget how many you have left, which sutra you're on, who you are. I suspect that very long research is no longer available is that we want to get everyone flying at the same time. The abbreviated program brings to mind another reason why people don't go to the dome anymore. The programs are increasingly longer and that's a pinch for those in FF who have a modicum of a life.