--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote: > > > > So Doug, you're saying there are dome-eligible > > Fairfield 'rus who would rather meditate at home? > > I wonder if they reject the notion that group > > practice of the TM-Sidhi program creates good > > in society. It would be interesting if they > > believe in the efficacy of the TM-Sidhi program, > > but reject the Maharishi Effect. > > That efficacy aspect is a level of the question. It is a good > question though that can get at things here. > > More often the answer to efficacy of the ME question is that some > lot of people see the behavior of the movement as so bad that the > feeling in the domes from that bad character aspect of the movement > itself is counter-productive to the experience. It is common when > you ask around and listen. Yes, lot of people do not go. It is also > remarkable too how many people have current dome badges but do not > go.
Thanks for providing the "man on the street" feedback, Doug. It resonates with the feed- back I get from the few former TMers I am in contact with. The bottom line seems to be that there is a world of difference between the P.R. and the reality of TM and its benefits and the reality. > It often does boil down to the moral dissonance problem as you > canvas. They do not reject the ME necessarily. Folks know the > experience of a good group meditation. That experience and hope is > often what had brought people here originally. Increasingly though > over the years people are identifying the experience of a bad-group > meditation with doing program in the domes. So they would simply > rather stay home. That was certainly my motivation 30+ years ago when I stopped going to "program" in L.A. I had the choice of driving from Marina del Rey to West L.A. and sitting on dirty sheets among a bunch of grunting, groaning people or staying at home and enjoying a nice quiet meditation. But then at the Center meetings I'd see these same grunting, groaning people talking about who they could declare persona non grata this month, and keep from attending any future courses because they'd been discovered to have the same Off The Program books on their bookshelves that the people declaring them persona non grata had stashed away in their closets. After a few months of this, I bailed, and haven't regretting it for a moment since. And that was in L.A., ferchrissakes, where you never had to run *into* these hypocrites on a day-to-day basis, unlike Fairfield. I would imagine that after a while people who had been fucked over a dozen times already by those who worked for MUM and the TMO and were in charge *of* the systematic fucking over just wouldn't want to disrupt their day to go sit beside these people and listen to them grunt and groan. :-) > Then again it can also just be that some people just do not like to > meditate in group regardless. The common denominator here though > is that folks mostly do like their meditation. & mostly folks are > loyal to that. > > But yet an equally common denominator when you ask is that most > folks do not do the whole blown TM-sidhi thing anymore as their > practice, in or out of the dome. Very few do. It has gone on to > something else for most people. It certainly did for me. I went to the course, "flew" the first day, and was bored with it by the second day. Big whoop -- bouncing around on your butt. I was after enlightenment, and got a few cheap thrills and kundalini rushes instead. I dropped doing the siddhis a few months after learning them, and haven't missed them since. I still meditate, but not TM-style. I have learned other techniques in the years since that I prefer. > Of course, a lot of people have left over the years but of what > remains, this aspect is pretty clear. I just ask and listen. Whereas the TMO just preaches and doesn't listen. > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" wrote: > > > > > > Relevant thread, > > > > > > canvassing around as to why folks are > > > not in the dome meditating, > > > most often say they `like' meditating > > > at home instead of the domes. > > > That then breaks down, to that there is > > > too much sleeping in the > > > domes which dulls the experience, or > > > there are too many people bad > > > from the old TM-movement and therefore > > > the feeling is bad in there > > > and 3) there is a comunalenment in the > > > group that the administration > > > by their chs keeping it from happening. > > > > Doug, what are you saying in Point 3 above? > > > > > Mostly folks in the larger meditating > > > community would rather meditate > > > at home and have a better experience > > > than going up on campus. > > [snip] > > >