On Jan 5, 2009, at 4:59 PM, I am the eternal wrote:
As an established seer of the ultimate reality (hahaha) I will speak for some of those in FF who don't go to the domes and are still in good standing. We believe in the ME.

We?  Who's we?

But we don't believe in the TMO cooking the numbers. Simple cooking is shown in the IA numbers. The numbers include the Mens Dome the Ladies Dome, THP, THMD (far out in VC) the pandits in VC and more enclaves. I've heard many times that we should actually count the numbers higher because there are people at home in FF doing their flying. Well why stop there? Why not count me in when I'm doing program in the Maharishi Patanjali Golden Bedroom of Pure Knowledge and Temple in Austin? Remember, we used to do program round the globe, sometimes trying to get all of North America to do program at the same time, sometime having round the clock coverage.

Yes, and what did it get us?  8 years of George Bush,
endless war and an economy in the toilet.
Great advertising for the ME, L.

I think maybe 2000 might be a good number.

Yes, 2000 will surely make a difference...this time
WILL be different!

Definitely it feels good to me. But hey, it sure seems to me and others I speak with that the ME for the country is defined as 500 more fliers than are currently counted as doing program together in FF/VC unless "something good is happening". I am serious as a heart attack that I would spend as much as I could afford to sponsor people who could not otherwise add to the numbers if we could get to 10,000 for a year straight. I wouldn't settle for 2,500 or 5,000. I'd go for a couple of weeks, but not tap savings to try to sponsor to get less than 10,000. Do I sponsor people now? You bet your ass. But I sponsor them not really to keep the numbers up but because being in a large group is good for your growth. I'm looking to help this and that individual get unstuck from the mud the way I seem to have become over the last couple of years, not to bring world peace. I am in a very sweet spot in human existence and I'd like to share this spot with others. If I could bring world peace, great. But I believe that less than 10,000 even the benefits to the people I sponsor wouldn't be worth the extra expenditure.

We really need to update the rules of of FFL to say that certain questions should be avoided for the sake of embarassment of others.

That would be basically cut out most of the conversation here.

The question of what do those who can still go to the dome feel is a very uncomfortable and embarassing question.

Yes, I'm sitting here burning with embarrassment at the
very thought.

It reveals like nothing else what people really do feel.

Oh, really--you can see into people's souls?

You see, I was going to drone on about how difficult it is to get to the dome with kids, a job, a life, the program interferring with dinner, Fairfield expanding to be a very large parking lot during rush hour with all those damned traffic signals and 25 mph speed zones and people driving from Lisco and beyond and it looks like Alex lives pretty far away. But I realized that that's a cop out. We had more people going to the domes years ago and life and getting to the domes was as much of a bitch then.

Ah, but one thing we had in abundance then, which
mercifully is somewhat less now, were gullible, naive
sheep who believed all the nonsense spouting from
the Fountains Of Wisdom.

People don't want to go--it's as simple as that.


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