> > So, Vaj, the 'world masters' of Indian music, Pandit
> > Hariprasad Chaurasia, Debu Chaudhuri, and Pandit
> > Shivkumar Sharma, were so impressed by the money from
> > Marshy, that they recorded a series of over twenty
> > albums for the Marshy? That doesn't even make any
> > sense.
> >
> > And the ayervedic pandits, Dr. Dwivedi, Dr. Triguna,
> > and Dr. Balaraj Maharishi, were so impressed with the
> > money from Marshy that they put their pictures on
> > bottles of Marshy 'Amrit Kailash'? Does that make any
> > sense?
> >
> > So, all the pandits were just very smart businessmen?
> > What's wrong with pandits making a little money and
> > getting famous?
> >
> > I guess they could ask for the pictures to be taken
> > off the albums and the bottles. Now that would make
> > sense, if they returned all the money.
> >
Vaj wrote:
> As far as I am aware, the pictures have been removed 
> from the bottles...but I haven't purchased any MAPI 
> products on moral grounds (and for safety reasons) in 
> a while. Since Balraj specifically requested that MMY 
> never use the formulations he kindly shared, out of  
> the kindness of his own heart, for PROFIT, clearly 
> there's a reason these guys wanted nothing to do with 
> Mahesh Varma, the self-proclaimed "Maharishi". I believe 
> his most recent Vaidya, Dr. Mishra, left as well.
Left the most lucrative business of selling ayerveda 
products and selling albums? That doesn't make any 
sense. That would be like Yogi Bhajan pulling out of
Yogi Tea.
> If I was third world musician would I let my music be 
> published for the west at the expense of a Hindu 
> businessman-cum-guru? Sure I would. 
When you were already famous all over India?
> And then I'd move on...like they all have. It's a sad 
> situation Willy, but don't mire yourself in your own 
> denial.
So, the masters of ayerveda and the masters of Indian 
music USED the Marshy for profit and gain. If so, that's 
sad, but in the case of the muscians, whether or not 
they liked the Marshy or not, that wouldn't have anything 
to do with their music, would it?

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